Darren Styles
Sure Feels Good (and Re Con)

Close your eyes and hold on tight
Just let the music play
Let's take a ride into the night
A place where we can stay

Feeling the moment, won't let it slip away
Sure feels good to me
I can't get enough now, I just wanna stay
Sure feels good to me

Feeling the moment, won't let it slip away
Sure feels good to me
I can't get enough now, I just wanna stay
Sure feels good to me

Sure feels good... sure feels good... (Repeated)

Close your eyes and hold on tight
Just let the music play
Let's take a ride into the night
A place where we can stay

Feeling the moment, won't let it slip away
Sure feels good to me
I can't get enough now, I just wanna stay
Sure feels good to me

Mirror lyrics:

Sure feels good to me
I can't get enough now, I just wanna stay
Sure feels good to me
Feeling the moment, won't let it slip away

A place where we can stay
Let's take a ride into the night
Just let the music play
Close your eyes and hold on tight

Sure feels good... sure feels good... (Repeated)

Sure feels good to me
I can't get enough now, I just wanna stay
Sure feels good to me
Feeling the moment, won't let it slip away

Sure feels good to me
I can't get enough now, I just wanna stay
Sure feels good to me
Feeling the moment, won't let it slip away

A place where we can stay
Let's take a ride into the night
Just let the music play
Close your eyes and hold on tight

Relevant Tags:
SSure FFeels GGood ((and RRe CCon) ure eels ood and e on) uSre eFels oGod a(nd eR oCn) zure ceels hood (aand de fon) zSure cFeels hGood (nd dRe fCon)
Szure Fceels Ghood (nad Rde Cfon) wure reels yood (znd 4e xon) wSure rFeels yGood (zand 4Re xCon) Swure Freels Gyood (aznd R4e Cxon) dure geels bood (qnd ge von)
dSure gFeels bGood (qand gRe vCon) Sdure Fgeels Gbood (aqnd Rge Cvon) eure teels vood (snd te don) eSure tFeels vGood (sand tRe dCon) Seure Fteels Gvood (asnd Rte Cdon)
xure veels food (wnd 5e Coon) xSure vFeels fGood (wand 5Re Cn) Sxure Fveels Gfood (awnd R5e Cno) aure deels tood (xnd fe Ckn) aSure dFeels tGood (xand fRe Ckon)
Saure Fdeels Gtood (axnd Rfe Cokn) Suure Feeels Goood (annd ee C9n) Sre Fels God (ad eRe C9on) Srue Feels Good (adn Ree Co9n) Shre Fsels Gkod (amd C0n)
Shure Fseels Gkood (amnd R C0on) Suhre Fesels Gokod (anmd Re Co0n) S7re F3els G9od (ahd Rs Cln) S7ure F3eels G9ood (ahnd Rse Clon) Su7re Fe3els Go9od (anhd Res Coln)
Skre Ffels G0od (ajd R3 Cin) Skure Ffeels G0ood (ajnd R3e Cion) Sukre Fefels Go0od (anjd Re3 Coin) Sire Frels Glod (abd Rf Conn) Siure Glood (abnd Co)
Suire Ferels Golod (anbd Ref Co)n S8re F4els Giod (andd Rr Com) S8ure F4eels Giood (an Rre Comn) Su8re Fe4els Goiod (and Rer Conm) Sjre Fdels (anx R4 Coh)
Sjure (anxd Cohn) Sujre Fedels Godo (andx Re4 Conh) Syre Fwels Gokd (ane Rd Coj) Syure Fweels (aned Cojn) Suyre Fewels Gookd (ande Red Conj)

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