Daron Norwood
If I Ever Love Again

If I Ever Love Again

( Written by Curtis Wright / Billy Spencer )

I felt a little uneasy when you walked in

But I'm glad you agreed to see me once again

If for noone's sake but mine

While I've got the chance this time

I want to tell you just what a fool I've been

There have been a lot of changes in my life

And there's a long list of wrongs I'm making right

But of all the things I've done

Hurting you is still the one

Mistake that I keep making in my dreams every night


But if I ever love again

I know one thing for sure

That if I ever love again

It won't be like before

Cause losing you's the price I paid

To learn that love is only made to give

If I ever love again

When I think about the man I used to be

It's no wonder that you just gave up on me

But standing here today

I just want to say

It's my belief in what we had that finally set me free


And if I ever love again

I know one thing for sure

That if I ever love again

It won't be like before

Cause losing you's the price I paid

To learn that love is only made to give

If I ever love again

If I ever love again, I'll tell you honestly

I'll do my best to love her just the way that you loved me


And if I ever love again

I promise you for sure

That if I ever love again

It won't be like before

Cause losing you's the price I paid

To learn that love is only made to give

If I ever love again

If I ever love again

Mirror lyrics:

If I ever love again

If I ever love again

To learn that love is only made to give

Cause losing you's the price I paid

It won't be like before

That if I ever love again

I promise you for sure

And if I ever love again


I'll do my best to love her just the way that you loved me

If I ever love again, I'll tell you honestly

If I ever love again

To learn that love is only made to give

Cause losing you's the price I paid

It won't be like before

That if I ever love again

I know one thing for sure

And if I ever love again


It's my belief in what we had that finally set me free

I just want to say

But standing here today

It's no wonder that you just gave up on me

When I think about the man I used to be

If I ever love again

To learn that love is only made to give

Cause losing you's the price I paid

It won't be like before

That if I ever love again

I know one thing for sure

But if I ever love again


Mistake that I keep making in my dreams every night

Hurting you is still the one

But of all the things I've done

And there's a long list of wrongs I'm making right

There have been a lot of changes in my life

I want to tell you just what a fool I've been

While I've got the chance this time

If for noone's sake but mine

But I'm glad you agreed to see me once again

I felt a little uneasy when you walked in

( Written by Curtis Wright / Billy Spencer )

If I Ever Love Again

Relevant Tags:
IIf II EEver LLove AAgain f ver ove gain fI I vEer oLve gAain jf j sver kove zgain jIf jI sEver kLove zAgain Ijf Ij Esver Lkove Azgain
9f 9 3ver oove qgain 9If 9I 3Ever oLove qAgain I9f I9 E3ver Loove Aqgain lf l fver pove sgain lIf lI fEver pLove sAgain Ilf Il Efver Lpove Asgain
of o rver wgain oIf oI rEver Lve wAgain Iof Io Erver Lvoe Awgain kf k 4ver Lkve xgain kIf kI 4Ever xAgain Ikf Ik E4ver Lokve Axgain
8f 8 dver L9ve Aggain 8If 8I dEver L9ove Aain I8f I8 Edver Lo9ve Aagin uf u wver L0ve Ahain uIf uI wEver L0ove Ahgain Iuf Iu Ewver Lo0ve Aghain
Iff Evver Llve Ayain I Eer Llove Aygain If Eevr Lolve Agyain Ic Eber Live Abain Icf Ebver Liove Abgain Ifc Evber Loive Agbain
Ir Ecer Lovve Avain Irf Ecver Loe Avgain Ifr Evcer Loev Agvain Ig Eger Lobe Afain Igf Egver Lobve Afgain Ifg Evger Lovbe Agfain
It Efer Loce Atain Itf Locve Atgain Ift Evfer Lovce Agtain Iv Eveer Loge Agaain Ivf Evr Logve Agin Ifv Evre Lovge Agian
Id Evsr Lofe Agzin Idf Evser Lofve Agzain Ifd Evesr Lovfe Agazin Ev3r Lovee Agqin Ev3er Lov Agqain Eve3r Love Agaqin

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