Underdogs And Overlords

Revel in the glory of system failure
When arrogance marries power
Conceal with the coak of philanthope
Let the stinking dogs lie

Evil takes all sides
Fast and untouchable
True, hard, raw, and crusty
Underdogs and overlords

Pa betryggende avstand av lysende intelleld
Fafengt tro pa dine kristine avguder
Hvert eneste fraialfa bsmetreens take
Hardhjerta rikosjetter i ditt tvijende sinn

Smidd av hat
Lenket til grimhst
True, hard, raw, and crusty
Underdogs and overlords

Evil takes all sides
Fast and untouchable
True, hard, raw, and crusty
Underdogs and overlords

Revel in the glory of system failure
When arrogance marries power
Conceal with the coak of philanthope
Let the stinking dogs lie

Mirror lyrics:

Let the stinking dogs lie
Conceal with the coak of philanthope
When arrogance marries power
Revel in the glory of system failure

Underdogs and overlords
True, hard, raw, and crusty
Fast and untouchable
Evil takes all sides

Underdogs and overlords
True, hard, raw, and crusty
Lenket til grimhst
Smidd av hat

Hardhjerta rikosjetter i ditt tvijende sinn
Hvert eneste fraialfa bsmetreens take
Fafengt tro pa dine kristine avguder
Pa betryggende avstand av lysende intelleld

Underdogs and overlords
True, hard, raw, and crusty
Fast and untouchable
Evil takes all sides

Let the stinking dogs lie
Conceal with the coak of philanthope
When arrogance marries power
Revel in the glory of system failure

Relevant Tags:
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7nderdogs qnd 9verlords 7Underdogs qAnd 9Overlords U7nderdogs Aqnd O9verlords knderdogs snd 0verlords kUnderdogs sAnd 0Overlords Uknderdogs Asnd O0verlords
inderdogs wnd lverlords iUnderdogs wAnd lOverlords Uinderdogs Awnd Olverlords 8nderdogs xnd iverlords 8Underdogs xAnd iOverlords U8nderdogs Axnd Oiverlords
jnderdogs Annd Ovverlords jUnderdogs Ad Oerlords Ujnderdogs Adn Oevrlords ynderdogs Amd Oberlords yUnderdogs Amnd Obverlords Uynderdogs Anmd Ovberlords
Unnderdogs Ahd Ocerlords Uderdogs Ahnd Ocverlords Udnerdogs Anhd Ovcerlords Umderdogs Ajd Ogerlords Umnderdogs Ajnd Ogverlords Unmderdogs Anjd Ovgerlords
Uhderdogs Abd Oferlords Abnd Ofverlords Unhderdogs Anbd Ovferlords Ujderdogs Andd Oveerlords An Ovrlords Unjderdogs And Ovrelords
Ubderdogs Anx Ovsrlords Ubnderdogs Anxd Ovserlords Unbderdogs Andx Ovesrlords Undderdogs Ane Ov3rlords Unerdogs Aned Ov3erlords Unedrdogs Ande Ove3rlords
Unxerdogs Anf Ovfrlords Unxderdogs Anfd Undxerdogs Andf Ovefrlords Uneerdogs Anr Ovrrlords Unederdogs Anrd Ovrerlords Undeerdogs Andr Overrlords
Unferdogs Anc Ov4rlords Unfderdogs Ancd Ov4erlords Undferdogs Andc Ove4rlords Unrerdogs Ans Ovdrlords Unrderdogs Ansd Ovderlords Undrerdogs Ands Ovedrlords
Uncerdogs Ovwrlords Uncderdogs Ovwerlords Undcerdogs Ovewrlords Unserdogs Unsderdogs Ovelords Undserdogs Ovelrords
Ovedlords Undrdogs Undredogs Overdlords Undsrdogs Ove4lords Undesrdogs Over4lords Und3rdogs Oveglords
Und3erdogs Ovegrlords Unde3rdogs Overglords Undfrdogs Ovetlords Ovetrlords Undefrdogs Overtlords Undrrdogs Ove5lords
Ove5rlords Underrdogs Over5lords Und4rdogs Oveflords Und4erdogs Unde4rdogs Overflords Unddrdogs Oveelords
Undedrdogs Overelords Undwrdogs Overllords Undwerdogs Overords Undewrdogs Overolrds Overkords Undedogs Overklords
Undedrogs Overlkords

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