Vern Gosdin
The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face

(Ewan MacColl)

The first time ever I saw your face
I thought the sun rose in your eyes
And the moon and the stars were the gifts you gave
To the dark and the empty skies, my love
To the dark and the empty skies.

--- Instrumental ---

The first time ever I kissed your mouth
I felt the earth move in my hands
Like a trembling heart of a captive bird
That was there at my command, my love
That was there at my command.

--- Instrumental ---

The first time ever I lay with you
I felt your heartbeat close to mine
And I thought our joy would be the world
And would last 'til the end oif time, my love
And would last 'til the end oif time.

Oh the first time ecver I saw your face
Your face, your face, your face...

Mirror lyrics:

Your face, your face, your face...
Oh the first time ecver I saw your face

And would last 'til the end oif time.
And would last 'til the end oif time, my love
And I thought our joy would be the world
I felt your heartbeat close to mine
The first time ever I lay with you

--- Instrumental ---

That was there at my command.
That was there at my command, my love
Like a trembling heart of a captive bird
I felt the earth move in my hands
The first time ever I kissed your mouth

--- Instrumental ---

To the dark and the empty skies.
To the dark and the empty skies, my love
And the moon and the stars were the gifts you gave
I thought the sun rose in your eyes
The first time ever I saw your face

(Ewan MacColl)

Relevant Tags:
TThe FFirst TTime EEver II SSaw YYour FFace he irst ime ver aw our ace hTe iFrst iTme vEer I aSw oYur aFce fhe cirst fime sver j zaw gour cace fThe cFirst fTime sEver jI zSaw gYour cFace
Tfhe Fcirst Tfime Esver Ij Szaw Ygour Fcace 5he rirst 5ime 3ver 9 waw hour race 5The rFirst 5Time 3Ever 9I wSaw hYour rFace T5he Frirst T5ime E3ver I9 Swaw Yhour Frace hhe girst hime fver l daw 6our gace
hThe gFirst hTime fEver lI dSaw 6Your gFace Thhe Fgirst Thime Efver Il Sdaw Y6our Fgace yhe tirst yime rver o eaw uour tace yThe tFirst yTime rEver oI eSaw uYour tFace Tyhe Ftirst Tyime Erver Io Seaw Yuour Ftace
6he virst 6ime 4ver k xaw 7our vace 6The vFirst 6Time 4Ever kI xSaw 7Your vFace T6he Fvirst T6ime E4ver Ik Sxaw Y7our Fvace ghe dirst gime dver 8 aaw jour dace gThe dFirst gTime dEver 8I aSaw jYour dFace
Tghe Fdirst Tgime Edver I8 Saaw Yjour Fdace rhe Fiirst rime wver u tour Faace rThe Frst rTime wEver uI Sw tYour Fce Trhe Frist Trime Ewver Iu Swa Ytour Fcae Fjrst Tiime Evver Szw Yoour Fzce
Te Fjirst Tme Eer Yur Fzace Teh Fijrst Tmie Eevr Sazw Yuor Fazce Tje F9rst Tjme Eber Sqw Ykur Fqce Tjhe F9irst Tjime Ebver Sqaw Ykour Fqace Thje Fi9rst Tijme Evber Saqw Yokur Faqce
Tue Flrst T9me Ecer Ssw Y9ur Fsce Tuhe Flirst T9ime Ecver Ssaw Y9our Fsace Thue Filrst Ti9me Evcer Sasw Yo9ur Fasce Tne Forst Tlme Eger Sww Y0ur Fwce Tnhe Foirst Tlime Egver Y0our Fwace
Thne Fiorst Tilme Evger Saww Yo0ur Fawce Tbe Fkrst Tome Efer Sxw Ylur Fxce Tbhe Fkirst Toime Ylour Fxace Thbe Fikrst Tiome Evfer Saxw Yolur Faxce Tge F8rst Tkme Eveer Yiur Facce
F8irst Tkime Evr Sa Yiour Fae Thge Fi8rst Tikme Evre Saw Yoiur Faec Tye Furst T8me Evsr Saa Youur Fafe Fuirst T8ime Evser Yor Fafce Thye Fiurst Ti8me Evesr Sawa Yoru Facfe
Thee Firrst Tume Ev3r Sa3 Yohr Faxe Th Fist Tuime Ev3er Sa3w Yohur The Fisrt Tiume Eve3r Saw3 Youhr Facxe Ths Fidst Timme Evfr Sad Yo7r Fave Thse Fidrst Tie Sadw Yo7ur Favce
Thes Firdst Tiem Evefr Sawd You7r Facve Th3 Fi4st Tije Evrr Sae Yokr Fade Th3e Fi4rst Evrer Saew Fadce The3 Fir4st Timje Everr Sawe Youkr Facde Thf Figst Tike Ev4r Sas Yoir Facee
Thfe Figrst Ev4er Fac

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