Vern Gosdin
This Ain't My First Rodeo

You say you're mama called and you must go
She's down in the bed and needs you so
And you don't know if you'll be coming home tonight or not
But honey, ain't you're mama sick a lot.

Lately, you're head hurts every night
Could it be you wear your cloths too tight
Since you don't seem to hear a thing I say or do
Then I know there's nothing I can do for you.

This ain't my first rodeo
This ain't the first time this old cowboy's been throwed
This ain't the first I've seen this dog and pony show
This ain't my first rodeo
This ain't the first I've seen this dog and pony show
This ain't my first rodeo.

You're telling me you lost you're wedding band
Somehow you say it slipped right off you're hand
And when I asked about those boxes stacked there by the door
You say it's just some old things you don't wear no more.

I didn't make it all the way through school
But my mama didn't raise any fool
I may not be the Einstein of our time
But honey, I'm not dumb and I'm not blind.

This ain't my first rodeo
This ain't the first time this old cowboy's been throwed
This ain't the first I've seen this dog and pony show
Honey, this ain't my first rodeo...

Mirror lyrics:

Honey, this ain't my first rodeo...
This ain't the first I've seen this dog and pony show
This ain't the first time this old cowboy's been throwed
This ain't my first rodeo

But honey, I'm not dumb and I'm not blind.
I may not be the Einstein of our time
But my mama didn't raise any fool
I didn't make it all the way through school

You say it's just some old things you don't wear no more.
And when I asked about those boxes stacked there by the door
Somehow you say it slipped right off you're hand
You're telling me you lost you're wedding band

This ain't my first rodeo.
This ain't the first I've seen this dog and pony show
This ain't my first rodeo
This ain't the first I've seen this dog and pony show
This ain't the first time this old cowboy's been throwed
This ain't my first rodeo

Then I know there's nothing I can do for you.
Since you don't seem to hear a thing I say or do
Could it be you wear your cloths too tight
Lately, you're head hurts every night

But honey, ain't you're mama sick a lot.
And you don't know if you'll be coming home tonight or not
She's down in the bed and needs you so
You say you're mama called and you must go

Relevant Tags:
TThis AAin't MMy FFirst RRodeo his in't y irst odeo hTis iAn't yM iFrst oRdeo fhis zin't jy cirst dodeo fThis zAin't jMy cFirst dRodeo
Tfhis Azin't Mjy Fcirst Rdodeo 5his qin't ky rirst 4odeo 5This qAin't kMy rFirst 4Rodeo T5his Aqin't Mky Frirst R4odeo hhis sin't ny girst godeo
hThis sAin't nMy gFirst gRodeo Thhis Asin't Mny Fgirst Rgodeo yhis win't Myy tirst todeo yThis wAin't M tFirst tRodeo Tyhis Awin't My Ftirst Rtodeo
6his xin't Mg virst 5odeo 6This xAin't Mgy vFirst 5Rodeo T6his Axin't Myg Fvirst R5odeo ghis Aiin't Mh dirst fodeo gThis An't Mhy dFirst fRodeo
Tghis Ani't Myh Fdirst Rfodeo rhis Ajn't M6 Fiirst eodeo rThis Ajin't M6y Frst eRodeo Trhis Aijn't My6 Frist Reodeo A9n't Mu Fjrst Roodeo
Tis A9in't Muy Fjirst Rdeo Tihs Ai9n't Myu Fijrst Rdoeo Tjis Aln't M7 F9rst Rkdeo Tjhis Alin't M7y F9irst Rkodeo Thjis Ailn't My7 Fi9rst Rokdeo
Tuis Aon't Mj Flrst R9deo Tuhis Aoin't Flirst R9odeo Thuis Aion't Myj Filrst Ro9deo Tnis Akn't Mt Forst R0deo Tnhis Akin't Mty Foirst R0odeo
Thnis Aikn't Myt Fiorst Ro0deo Tbis A8n't Fkrst Rldeo Tbhis A8in't Fkirst Rlodeo Thbis Ai8n't Fikrst Roldeo Tgis Aun't F8rst Rideo
Auin't F8irst Riodeo Thgis Aiun't Fi8rst Roideo Tyis Ainn't Furst Roddeo Ai't Fuirst Roeo Thyis Ai'nt Fiurst Roedo
Thiis Aim't Firrst Roxeo Ths Aimn't Fist Roxdeo Thsi Ainm't Fisrt Rodxeo Thjs Aih't Fidst Roeeo Aihn't Fidrst Roedeo
Thijs Ainh't Firdst Rodeeo Th9s Aij't Fi4st Rofeo Th9is Fi4rst Rofdeo Thi9s Ainj't Fir4st Rodfeo Thls Aib't Figst Roreo
Thlis Aibn't Figrst Rordeo

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