Vern Gosdin
I Can Tell By The Way You Dance (you're Gonna Love


I can see everytime I look into your eyes
You don't care a thing about those other guys.
Without words you make me understand what's on your mind
The rhythm of your body close to mine.
I can tell by the way you dance that you're gonna love me to night.

Sometimes it's cold, sometimes it's hot
Love's either right or it's wrong
Feels so good, love you a lot
Right here beside me is where you belong.
I don't care if everybody knows the way I feel
Until the dream of holdin' you is real.

I can tell by the way you dance
That you're gonna love me to night.

I can tell by the way you dance
That you're gonna love me to night.

I can tell by the way you dance
That you're gonna love me to night...

Mirror lyrics:

That you're gonna love me to night...
I can tell by the way you dance

That you're gonna love me to night.
I can tell by the way you dance

That you're gonna love me to night.
I can tell by the way you dance

Until the dream of holdin' you is real.
I don't care if everybody knows the way I feel
Right here beside me is where you belong.
Feels so good, love you a lot
Love's either right or it's wrong
Sometimes it's cold, sometimes it's hot

I can tell by the way you dance that you're gonna love me to night.
The rhythm of your body close to mine.
Without words you make me understand what's on your mind
You don't care a thing about those other guys.
I can see everytime I look into your eyes


Relevant Tags:
II CCan TTell BBy TThe WWay YYou DDance ((you're GGonna LLove an ell y he ay ou ance you're onna ove
I aCn eTll yB hTe aWy oYu aDnce y(ou're oGnna oLve j fan fell vy fhe aay gou xance (yyou're honna kove
jI fCan fTell vBy fThe aWay gYou xDance (ou're hGonna kLove Ij Cfan Tfell Bvy Tfhe Waay Ygou Dxance (oyu're Ghonna Lkove
9 xan 5ell gy 5he 3ay hou eance (gou're yonna oove 9I xCan 5Tell gBy 5The 3Way hYou eDance (gyou're yGonna oLove
I9 Cxan T5ell Bgy T5he W3ay Yhou Deance (ygou're Gyonna Loove l van hell ny hhe day 6ou fance (hou're bonna pove
lI vCan hTell nBy hThe dWay 6You fDance (hyou're bGonna pLove Il Cvan Thell Bny Thhe Wday Y6ou Dfance (yhou're Gbonna Lpove
o dan yell hy yhe eay uou rance (6ou're vonna oI dCan yTell hBy yThe eWay uYou rDance (6you're vGonna Lve
Io Cdan Tyell Bhy Tyhe Weay Yuou Drance (y6ou're Gvonna Lvoe k Caan 6ell Byy 6he say 7ou cance (uou're fonna Lkve
kI Cn 6Tell B 6The sWay 7You cDance (uyou're fGonna Ik Cna T6ell By T6he Wsay Y7ou Dcance (yuou're Gfonna Lokve
8 Czn gell Bg ghe 2ay jou sance (7ou're tonna L9ve 8I Czan gTell gThe 2Way jYou sDance (7you're tGonna L9ove
I8 Cazn Tgell Byg Tghe W2ay Yjou Dsance (y7ou're Gtonna Lo9ve u Cqn rell Bh rhe qay tou Daance (jou're Goonna L0ve
uI Cqan rTell rThe qWay tYou Dnce (jyou're Gnna L0ove Iu Caqn Trell Byh Trhe Wqay Ytou Dnace (yjou're Gnona Lo0ve
Csn Teell B6 Yoou Dznce (tou're Gknna Llve Csan Tll B6y Te Wy Yu Dzance (tyou're Gkonna Llove
Casn Tlel By6 Teh Wya Yuo Daznce (ytou're Goknna Lolve Cwn Tsll Bu Tje Wzy Yku Dqnce (yoou're G9nna Live
Cwan Tsell Buy Tjhe Wzay Ykou Dqance (yu're G9onna Liove Cawn Tesll Byu Thje Wazy Yoku Daqnce (yuo're Go9nna Loive
Cxn T3ll B7 Tue Wqy Y9u Dsnce (yku're G0nna Lovve T3ell B7y Tuhe Y9ou (ykou're G0onna Loe
Caxn Te3ll By7 Thue Waqy Yo9u Dasnce (yoku're Go0nna Loev Cann Tfll Bj Tne Wsy Y0u Dwnce (y9u're Glnna Lobe
Ca Bjy Tnhe Y0ou Dwance (y9ou're Glonna Lobve Can Tefll Byj Thne Wasy Yo0u Dawnce (yo9u're Golnna Lovbe
Cam Trll Bt Tbe Wwy Ylu Dxnce (y0u're Ginna Loce Camn Bty Tbhe Wway Ylou (y0ou're Gionna Locve
Canm Terll Byt Thbe Wawy Yolu Daxnce (yo0u're Goinna Lovce Cah T4ll Tge Wxy Yiu Dannce (ylu're Gonnna Loge
Cahn T4ell Wxay Yiou Dace (ylou're Gona Logve Canh Te4ll Thge Waxy Yoiu Dacne (yolu're Gonna Lovge
Caj Tdll Tye Wayy Youu Damce (yiu're Gomna Lofe Cajn Tdell Wa Yo Damnce (yiou're Gomnna Lofve
Canj Tedll Thye Way You Danmce (yoiu're Gonmna Lovfe Cab Twll Thee Wag Yoh Dahce (youu're Gohna Lovee
Cabn Twell Th Wagy Yohu Dahnce (yo're Gohnna Lov Canb Tewll The Wayg Youh Danhce (yo'ure Gonhna Love
Telll Ths Wah Yo7 Dajce (yoh're Gojna Lovs Tel Thse Wahy Yo7u Dajnce (yohu're Gojnna Lovse
Tell Thes Wayh You7 Danjce (youh're Gonjna Loves Tekl Th3 Wa6 Yok Dabce (yo7're Gobna Lov3
Tekll Th3e Wa6y Dabnce (yo7u're Gobnna Lov3e Telkl The3 Way6 Youk Danbce (you7're Gonbna Love3
Teol Thf Wau Yoi Dancce (yok're Lovf Teoll Thfe Wauy Dane
Telol Thef Wayu Youi Danec (youk're Gonan Lovef

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