Vital Remains
Dawn Of The Apocalypse

Abbadon, by craft of extinction draping the altruist light
Ever- burning the splintered conscious
Cleansing the sickened and the trite
Azazel, by craft of contention forging our dread medium
Ever- killing all the slaving dogma
Rousing the timeless Elysium
Human abasement a viral sacrament
A world in ruin, diseases heaven sent
This is the dawning of our discontent
Purification; the passion and intent
Glorious Satan, the icon now ascends
For this is the dawning of our discontent

Dawn of the Apocalypse
We, the strong
We, the conquerors
We are dominance
We are Legion
Tiamat, by craft of malevolence granting our inspiration
Ever- noble in her violence
Scourging into completion
Fenriz, by craft of nature crushing the obstinate worm
Ever- hungry for the twilight
Lead us into victory
Dawn of the Apocalypse

Mirror lyrics:

Dawn of the Apocalypse
Lead us into victory
Ever- hungry for the twilight
Fenriz, by craft of nature crushing the obstinate worm
Scourging into completion
Ever- noble in her violence
Tiamat, by craft of malevolence granting our inspiration
We are Legion
We are dominance
We, the conquerors
We, the strong
Dawn of the Apocalypse

For this is the dawning of our discontent
Glorious Satan, the icon now ascends
Purification; the passion and intent
This is the dawning of our discontent
A world in ruin, diseases heaven sent
Human abasement a viral sacrament
Rousing the timeless Elysium
Ever- killing all the slaving dogma
Azazel, by craft of contention forging our dread medium
Cleansing the sickened and the trite
Ever- burning the splintered conscious
Abbadon, by craft of extinction draping the altruist light

Relevant Tags:
DDawn OOf TThe AApocalypse awn f he pocalypse aDwn fO hTe pAocalypse xawn kf fhe zpocalypse xDawn kOf fThe zApocalypse Dxawn Okf Tfhe Azpocalypse
eawn 9f 5he qpocalypse eDawn 9Of 5The qApocalypse Deawn O9f T5he Aqpocalypse fawn 0f hhe spocalypse fDawn 0Of hThe sApocalypse Dfawn O0f Thhe Aspocalypse
rawn lf yhe wpocalypse rDawn lOf yThe wApocalypse Drawn Olf Tyhe Awpocalypse cawn if 6he xpocalypse cDawn iOf 6The xApocalypse Dcawn Oif T6he Axpocalypse
sawn Off ghe Appocalypse sDawn O gThe Aocalypse Dsawn Of Tghe Aopcalypse Daawn Oc rhe A0ocalypse Dwn Ocf rThe A0pocalypse Dwan Ofc Trhe Ap0ocalypse
Dzwn Or Alocalypse Dzawn Orf Te Alpocalypse Dazwn Ofr Teh Aplocalypse Dqwn Og Tje Aoocalypse Dqawn Ogf Tjhe Aopocalypse Daqwn Ofg Thje Apoocalypse
Dswn Ot Tue Otf Tuhe Apcalypse Daswn Oft Thue Apcoalypse Dwwn Ov Tne Apkcalypse Dwawn Ovf Tnhe Apkocalypse Dawwn Ofv Thne Apokcalypse
Dxwn Od Tbe Ap9calypse Odf Tbhe Ap9ocalypse Daxwn Ofd Thbe Apo9calypse Tge Ap0calypse Dan Danw Thge Apo0calypse
Daan Tye Aplcalypse Dawan Thye Apolcalypse Da3n Thee Apicalypse Da3wn Th Apiocalypse Daw3n The Apoicalypse Dadn Ths Apoccalypse
Dadwn Thse Apoalypse Dawdn Thes Apoaclypse Daen Th3 Apofalypse Daewn Th3e Apofcalypse Dawen The3 Apocfalypse Dasn Thf Apoxalypse
Thfe Apoxcalypse Dawsn Thef Apocxalypse Da2n Thr Apovalypse Da2wn Thre Apovcalypse Daw2n Ther Apocvalypse Daqn Th4 Apodalypse
Th4e Apodcalypse Dawqn The4 Apocdalypse Dawnn Thd Apocaalypse Daw Thde Apoclypse Dawn Thed Apoclaypse Dawm Thw Apoczlypse
Dawmn Thwe Apoczalypse Dawnm Thew Apocazlypse Dawh Apocqlypse Dawhn Apocqalypse Dawnh Apocaqlypse Dawj Apocslypse
Dawjn Apocsalypse Dawnj Apocaslypse Dawb Apocwlypse Dawbn Apocwalypse Dawnb Apocawlypse Apocxlypse
Apocaxlypse Apocallypse Apocaypse

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