Visions Of Atlantis
Last Shut Of Your Eyes

Barrier of glass, filled with my tears
Empty space, just no one to hear
Walk alone, I can't get clear
Of those few seconds

Wilted heart, shattered with pain
Spring will never lead me astray
No one's able to fan my flame
Condemn myself

If I had just been able to say I'm sorry
Don't go away, live by my side
Because without you life is grey
And even sun won't light my day

But now it is too late
All those lines are delayed
You will never cross this street again
You're out of sight

In my dreams I see your face
Every moment's like whole days
I can't clean up my disgrace
And those few seconds

If I had just been able, to say turn round
Don't go, please stay, please stay with me my dear

If I had just been able to say I'm sorry
Don't go away, live by my side
Because without you life is grey
And even sun won't light my day

But now it is too late
All those lines are delayed
You will never cross this street again
You're out of sight
I will ever be the one to blame
Last shut of your eyes

I will ever be the one to blame
Last shut of your eyes

Fairies guide you
Guide you all along
Fairies guide you away on silver waves

Crying heaven turns in seas of tears
Fairies guide you
Guide you out of sight

But now it is too late
All those lines are delayed
You will never cross this street again
You're out of sight
I will ever be the one to blame
Last shut of your eyes

I will ever be the one to blame
Last shut of your eyes
Last shut of your eyes
Last shut of your eyes

Mirror lyrics:

Last shut of your eyes
Last shut of your eyes
Last shut of your eyes
I will ever be the one to blame

Last shut of your eyes
I will ever be the one to blame
You're out of sight
You will never cross this street again
All those lines are delayed
But now it is too late

Guide you out of sight
Fairies guide you
Crying heaven turns in seas of tears

Fairies guide you away on silver waves
Guide you all along
Fairies guide you

Last shut of your eyes
I will ever be the one to blame

Last shut of your eyes
I will ever be the one to blame
You're out of sight
You will never cross this street again
All those lines are delayed
But now it is too late

And even sun won't light my day
Because without you life is grey
Don't go away, live by my side
If I had just been able to say I'm sorry

Don't go, please stay, please stay with me my dear
If I had just been able, to say turn round

And those few seconds
I can't clean up my disgrace
Every moment's like whole days
In my dreams I see your face

You're out of sight
You will never cross this street again
All those lines are delayed
But now it is too late

And even sun won't light my day
Because without you life is grey
Don't go away, live by my side
If I had just been able to say I'm sorry

Condemn myself
No one's able to fan my flame
Spring will never lead me astray
Wilted heart, shattered with pain

Of those few seconds
Walk alone, I can't get clear
Empty space, just no one to hear
Barrier of glass, filled with my tears

Relevant Tags:
LLast SShut OOf YYour EEyes ast hut f our yes aLst hSut fO oYur yEes kast zhut kf gour syes kLast zShut kOf gYour sEyes Lkast Szhut Okf Ygour Esyes
oast whut 9f hour 3yes oLast wShut 9Of hYour 3Eyes Loast Swhut O9f Yhour E3yes past dhut 0f 6our fyes pLast dShut 0Of 6Your fEyes Lpast Sdhut O0f Y6our Efyes
Laast ehut lf uour ryes Lst eShut lOf uYour rEyes Lsat Sehut Olf Yuour Eryes Lzst xhut if 7our 4yes Lzast xShut iOf 7Your 4Eyes Lazst Sxhut Oif Y7our E4yes
Lqst ahut Off jour dyes Lqast aShut O jYour dEyes Laqst Sahut Of Yjour Edyes Lsst Shhut Oc tour wyes Lsast Sut Ocf tYour wEyes Lasst Suht Ofc Ytour Ewyes
Lwst Sjut Or Yoour Eyyes Lwast Sjhut Orf Yur Ees Lawst Shjut Ofr Yuor Eeys Lxst Suut Og Ykur Eges Lxast Suhut Ogf Ykour Egyes Laxst Shuut Ofg Yokur Eyges
Snut Ot Y9ur Ehes Lat Snhut Otf Y9our Ehyes Lats Shnut Oft Yo9ur Eyhes Lazt Sbut Ov Y0ur E6es Sbhut Ovf Y0our E6yes Laszt Shbut Ofv Yo0ur Ey6es
Lawt Sgut Od Ylur Eues Sghut Odf Ylour Euyes Laswt Shgut Ofd Yolur Eyues Ladt Syut Yiur E7es Ladst Syhut Yiour E7yes Lasdt Shyut Yoiur Ey7es
Laet Youur Ejes Laest Sht Yor Ejyes Laset Shtu Yoru Eyjes

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