The Damned Don't Cry

Travelling with no destination
No place to go
Nameless towns with faceless people
No place I know

Time to close my mind and drift off
To other scenes
Lose myself in glossy pages
Dull magazines

Moments pass by, oh so slowly
Makes me lonely too
Twisting street light, in the darkness
Makes me lonely too

Ah The Damned Don't Cry
No The Damned Don't Cry

Climbing smoke climbs upward slowly
Past my trembling face
I see myself in rain soaked windows
In a different place

Single heartbeats in the dim light
Makes me lonely too
Hearing sounds of celebrations
Makes me lonely too

Mirror lyrics:

Makes me lonely too
Hearing sounds of celebrations
Makes me lonely too
Single heartbeats in the dim light

In a different place
I see myself in rain soaked windows
Past my trembling face
Climbing smoke climbs upward slowly

No The Damned Don't Cry
Ah The Damned Don't Cry

Makes me lonely too
Twisting street light, in the darkness
Makes me lonely too
Moments pass by, oh so slowly

Dull magazines
Lose myself in glossy pages
To other scenes
Time to close my mind and drift off

No place I know
Nameless towns with faceless people
No place to go
Travelling with no destination

Relevant Tags:
TThe DDamned DDon't CCry he amned on't ry hTe aDmned oDn't rCy fhe xamned xon't fry fThe xDamned xDon't fCry Tfhe Dxamned Dxon't Cfry
5he eamned eon't xry 5The eDamned eDon't xCry T5he Deamned Deon't Cxry hhe famned fon't vry hThe fDamned fDon't vCry Thhe Dfamned Dfon't Cvry
yhe ramned ron't dry yThe rDamned rDon't dCry Tyhe Dramned Dron't Cdry 6he camned con't Crry 6The cDamned cDon't Cy T6he Dcamned Dcon't Cyr
ghe samned son't Cdy gThe sDamned sDon't Tghe Dsamned Dson't Crdy rhe Daamned Doon't C4y rThe Dmned Dn't C4ry Trhe Dmaned Dno't Cr4y
Dzmned Dkn't Cgy Te Dzamned Dkon't Cgry Teh Dazmned Dokn't Crgy Tje Dqmned D9n't Cty Tjhe Dqamned D9on't Ctry Thje Daqmned Do9n't Crty
Tue Dsmned D0n't C5y Tuhe D0on't C5ry Thue Dasmned Do0n't Cr5y Tne Dwmned Dln't Cfy Tnhe Dwamned Dlon't Thne Dawmned Doln't Crfy
Tbe Dxmned Din't Cey Tbhe Dion't Cery Thbe Daxmned Doin't Crey Tge Dammned Donn't Cryy Daned Do't Cr Thge Danmed Do'nt Cry
Tye Dajned Dom't Crg Dajmned Domn't Thye Damjned Donm't Cryg Thee Dakned Doh't Crh Th Dakmned Dohn't Crhy The Damkned Donh't Cryh
Ths Danned Doj't Cr6 Thse Danmned Dojn't Cr6y Thes Damnned Donj't Cry6

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