The Very Last Day

I can't say Where I've been
What I've done or what I've seen
But no one needs to walk this lonely road
All my life never tried
Left alone with all my lies
Empty hearts became my only home

If nothings changed
Then I'm to blame
It all feels the same The very last day
I made this bed
I'm gonna lie in it
It all feels the same The very last day
The very last day

One more bag - one more hit
One more time and then I'll quit
Everyday it gets a little worse
All my friends - ones I loved
Cut me loose and cut me off
When your thrown off the tracks it f**king hurts

If nothings changed
Then I'm to blame
It all feels the same The very last day
I made this bed
I'm gonna lie in it
It all feels the same The very last day
The very last day

Mirror lyrics:

The very last day
It all feels the same The very last day
I'm gonna lie in it
I made this bed
It all feels the same The very last day
Then I'm to blame
If nothings changed

When your thrown off the tracks it f**king hurts
Cut me loose and cut me off
All my friends - ones I loved
Everyday it gets a little worse
One more time and then I'll quit
One more bag - one more hit

The very last day
It all feels the same The very last day
I'm gonna lie in it
I made this bed
It all feels the same The very last day
Then I'm to blame
If nothings changed

Empty hearts became my only home
Left alone with all my lies
All my life never tried
But no one needs to walk this lonely road
What I've done or what I've seen
I can't say Where I've been

Relevant Tags:
TThe VVery LLast DDay he ery ast ay hTe eVry aLst aDy fhe bery kast xay fThe bVery kLast xDay Tfhe Vbery Lkast Dxay
5he cery oast eay 5The cVery oLast eDay T5he Vcery Loast Deay hhe gery past fay hThe gVery pLast fDay Thhe Vgery Lpast Dfay
yhe fery Laast ray yThe fVery Lst rDay Tyhe Vfery Lsat Dray 6he Veery Lzst cay 6The Vry Lzast cDay T6he Vrey Lazst Dcay
ghe Vsry Lqst say gThe Vsery Lqast sDay Tghe Vesry Laqst Dsay rhe V3ry Lsst Daay rThe V3ery Lsast Dy Trhe Ve3ry Lasst Dya
Vfry Lwst Dzy Te Lwast Dzay Teh Vefry Lawst Dazy Tje Vrry Lxst Dqy Tjhe Vrery Lxast Dqay Thje Verry Laxst Daqy
Tue V4ry Dsy Tuhe V4ery Lat Thue Ve4ry Lats Dasy Tne Vdry Lazt Dwy Tnhe Vdery Dway Thne Vedry Laszt Dawy
Tbe Vwry Lawt Dxy Tbhe Vwery Thbe Vewry Laswt Daxy Tge Ladt Dayy

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