Where You Go, I Go Too (kuda Ty, Tuda Ya)

Where You Go, I Go Too (Kuda ty, tuda ya)

Where where yeah yeah
The rains go, I don't know...
Where where yeah yeah
The leaders lead, I don't know...
But I know one thing, I know one thing...

Where I go, you go too
Where you go, I go too
You and I are not on "you" terms
You and I are on "I' terms

Where where yeah yeah
The days go back, I don't know
Where where yeah yeah
We are driving at, I don't know
But I know one thing, I know one thing...

Where I go, you go too
Where you go, I go too
You and I are not on "you" terms
You and I are on "I' terms
Where I go, you go too
Where you go, I go too
You and I are not on "you" terms
You and I are on "I' terms

Where where the water
And ground run off, I don't know
Where where where
They run from themselves, I don't know
But I know one thing, I know one thing...

Where I go, you go too
Where you go, I go too
You and I are not on "you" terms
You and I are on "I' terms
Where I go, you go too
Where you go, I go too
You and I are not on "you" terms
You and I are on "I' terms

Mirror lyrics:

You and I are on "I' terms
You and I are not on "you" terms
Where you go, I go too
Where I go, you go too
You and I are on "I' terms
You and I are not on "you" terms
Where you go, I go too
Where I go, you go too

But I know one thing, I know one thing...
They run from themselves, I don't know
Where where where
And ground run off, I don't know
Where where the water

You and I are on "I' terms
You and I are not on "you" terms
Where you go, I go too
Where I go, you go too
You and I are on "I' terms
You and I are not on "you" terms
Where you go, I go too
Where I go, you go too

But I know one thing, I know one thing...
We are driving at, I don't know
Where where yeah yeah
The days go back, I don't know
Where where yeah yeah

You and I are on "I' terms
You and I are not on "you" terms
Where you go, I go too
Where I go, you go too

But I know one thing, I know one thing...
The leaders lead, I don't know...
Where where yeah yeah
The rains go, I don't know...
Where where yeah yeah

Where You Go, I Go Too (Kuda ty, tuda ya)

Relevant Tags:
WWhere YYou GGo, II GGo TToo ((kuda TTy, TTuda YYa) here ou o, o oo kuda y, uda a) hWere oYu oG, I oG oTo k(uda yT, uTda aY)
ahere gou ho, j ho foo (kkuda fy, fuda ga) aWhere gYou hGo, jI hGo fToo (uda fTy, fTuda gYa) Wahere Ygou Gho, Ij Gho Tfoo (ukda Tfy, Tfuda Yga)
3here hou yo, 9 yo 5oo (luda 5y, 5uda ha) 3Where hYou yGo, 9I yGo 5Too (lkuda 5Ty, 5Tuda hYa) W3here Yhou Gyo, I9 Gyo T5oo (kluda T5y, T5uda Yha)
dhere 6ou bo, l bo hoo (ouda hy, huda 6a) dWhere 6You bGo, lI bGo hToo (okuda hTy, hTuda 6Ya) Wdhere Y6ou Gbo, Il Gbo Thoo (kouda Thy, Thuda Y6a)
ehere uou vo, o vo yoo (muda yy, yuda ua) eWhere uYou vGo, oI vGo yToo (mkuda yTy, yTuda uYa) Wehere Yuou Gvo, Io Gvo Tyoo (kmuda Tyy, Tyuda Yua)
shere 7ou fo, k fo 6oo (juda 6y, 6uda 7a) sWhere 7You fGo, kI fGo 6Too (jkuda 6Ty, 6Tuda 7Ya) Wshere Y7ou Gfo, Ik Gfo T6oo (kjuda T6y, T6uda Y7a)
2here jou to, 8 to goo (iuda gy, guda ja) 2Where jYou tGo, 8I tGo gToo (ikuda gTy, gTuda jYa) W2here Yjou Gto, I8 Gto Tgoo (kiuda Tgy, Tguda Yja)
qhere tou Goo, u Goo roo (kuuda ry, ruda ta) qWhere tYou G, uI G rToo (kda rTy, rTuda tYa) Wqhere Ytou G,o Iu Go Troo (kdua Try, Truda Yta)
Whhere Yoou Gk, Gk Tooo (khda Tuuda Yaa) Were Yu Gko, Gko To (khuda T, Tda Y) Wehre Yuo Gok, Gok Too (kuhda T,y Tdua Y)a
Wjere Yku G9, G9 Tko (k7da Tg, Thda Yz) Wjhere Ykou G9o, G9o Tkoo (k7uda Yza) Whjere Yoku Go9, Go9 Toko (ku7da Tyg, Tuhda Yaz)
Wuere Y9u G0, G0 T9o (kkda Th, T7da Yq) Wuhere Y9ou G0o, G0o T9oo T7uda Yqa) Whuere Yo9u Go0, Go0 To9o (kukda Tyh, Tu7da Yaq)
Wnere Y0u Gl, Gl T0o (kida T6, Tkda Ys) Wnhere Y0ou Glo, Glo T0oo Tkuda Ysa) Whnere Yo0u Gol, Gol To0o (kuida Ty6, Tukda Yas)
Wbere Ylu Gi, Gi Tlo (k8da Tu, Tida Yw) Wbhere Ylou Gio, Gio Tloo (k8uda Tuy, Tiuda Ywa) Whbere Yolu Goi, Goi Tolo (ku8da Tyu, Tuida Yaw)
Wgere Yiu Go,, Tio (kjda T7, T8da Yx) Wghere Yiou Go Tioo T7y, T8uda Yxa) Whgere Yoiu Go, Toio (kujda Ty7, Tu8da Yax)
Wyere Youu (kyda Tj, Tjda Ya)) Wyhere Yo (kyuda Tjy, Tjuda Ya Whyere You (kuyda Tyj, Tujda Ya)
Wheere Yoh Tok (kudda Tt, Tyda Whre Yohu (kua Tty, Whree Youh Took (kuad Tyt, Tuyda
Whsre Yo7 To9 (kuxa Ty,, Tudda Whsere Yo7u (kuxda Ty Tua Whesre You7 Too9 (kudxa Ty, Tuad
Wh3re Yok To0 (kuea Tuxa Wh3ere (kueda Tuxda Whe3re Youk Too0 (kudea Tudxa

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