Villains To The Masses Heroes To The Hol...
An (epic) Journey As ......

I saw you first, 7 years ago

And it's gone further then I thought it'd ever go

Why? I don't understand

You never appealed to me until it was most inconveniently

Why did it start, you said it was all my fault

So I tried, tried and died.

Don't turn away

Don't turn away from me

Now much time as passed

And you and I have shared a unique past

If I could go back, I wouldn't change a thing

Cause every time we talk, you tell me you love me

And last time we hung out, we spent time cuddling

I wish I could foresee the end of our journey

So I tried, tried and died

Don't turn away

Don't turn away from me

No I don't want

Anybody else but you

So I'll wait here

Until you change your mind

Don't turn away

Don't turn away from me

Mirror lyrics:

Don't turn away from me

Don't turn away

Until you change your mind

So I'll wait here

Anybody else but you

No I don't want

Don't turn away from me

Don't turn away

So I tried, tried and died

I wish I could foresee the end of our journey

And last time we hung out, we spent time cuddling

Cause every time we talk, you tell me you love me

If I could go back, I wouldn't change a thing

And you and I have shared a unique past

Now much time as passed

Don't turn away from me

Don't turn away

So I tried, tried and died.

Why did it start, you said it was all my fault

You never appealed to me until it was most inconveniently

Why? I don't understand

And it's gone further then I thought it'd ever go

I saw you first, 7 years ago

Relevant Tags:
AAn ((epic) JJourney AAs ....... n epic) ourney s ..... nA e(pic) oJurney sA ...... zn (eepic) kourney zs zAn (pic) kJourney zAs
Azn (peic) Jkourney Azs qn (spic) iourney qs qAn (sepic) iJourney qAs Aqn (espic) Jiourney Aqs sn (3pic) mourney ss
sAn (3epic) mJourney sAs Asn (e3pic) Jmourney Ass wn (fpic) nourney ws wAn (fepic) nJourney wAs Awn (efpic) Jnourney Aws
xn (rpic) hourney xs xAn (repic) hJourney xAs Axn (erpic) Jhourney Axs Ann (4pic) uourney A (4epic) uJourney A
An (e4pic) Juourney As Am (dpic) Joourney Az Amn (depic) Jurney Anm (edpic) Juorney Asz Ah (wpic) Jkurney Aw
Ahn (wepic) Anh (ewpic) Jokurney Asw Aj (eppic) J9urney Ad Ajn (eic) J9ourney Ads Anj (eipc) Jo9urney Asd
Ab (e0ic) J0urney Ae Abn (e0pic) J0ourney Aes Anb (ep0ic) Jo0urney Ase (elic) Jlurney Ax (elpic) Jlourney
(eplic) Jolurney Asx (eoic) Jiurney Aa (eopic) Aas (epoic) Joiurney Asa (epiic) Jouurney
(epc) Jorney (epci) Joruney (epjc) Johrney (epjic) Johurney (epijc) Jouhrney
(ep9c) Jo7rney (ep9ic) Jo7urney (epi9c) Jou7rney (eplc) Jokrney (epilc) Joukrney
(epoc) Joirney (epioc) Jouirney (epkc) Jo8rney (epkic) Jo8urney (epikc) Jou8rney
(ep8c) Jojrney (ep8ic) Jojurney (epi8c) Joujrney (epuc) Joyrney (epuic) Joyurney
(epiuc) Jouyrney (epicc) Jourrney (epi) Jouney (epi)c Jounrey (epif) Joudney
(epifc) Joudrney (epicf) Jourdney (epix) Jou4ney (epixc) Jou4rney (epicx) Jour4ney
(epiv) Jougney

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