Vendetta Red
Tomorrow Everything Dies

Cut from glass I start to fade and prance around her promenade
Thrown overboard to pay my dues, to the ocean floor in concrete shoes
I'm your visions of vindication that caught you in the act
I wield the force of destiny and you will rue the day you ever broke this pact
Stand me up in front of god so miniscule and monstrous
A paragraph to plead my ease. A defendant for this human race
Please don't forget me

Mirror lyrics:

Please don't forget me
A paragraph to plead my ease. A defendant for this human race
Stand me up in front of god so miniscule and monstrous
I wield the force of destiny and you will rue the day you ever broke this pact
I'm your visions of vindication that caught you in the act
Thrown overboard to pay my dues, to the ocean floor in concrete shoes
Cut from glass I start to fade and prance around her promenade

Relevant Tags:
TTomorrow EEverything DDies omorrow verything ies oTmorrow vEerything iDes fomorrow sverything xies fTomorrow sEverything xDies Tfomorrow Esverything Dxies
5omorrow 3verything eies 5Tomorrow 3Everything eDies T5omorrow E3verything Deies homorrow fverything fies hTomorrow fEverything fDies Thomorrow Efverything Dfies
yomorrow rverything ries yTomorrow rEverything rDies Tyomorrow Erverything Dries 6omorrow 4verything cies 6Tomorrow 4Everything cDies T6omorrow E4verything Dcies
gomorrow dverything sies gTomorrow dEverything sDies Tgomorrow Edverything Dsies romorrow wverything Diies rTomorrow wEverything Des Tromorrow Ewverything Deis
Toomorrow Evverything Djes Tmorrow Eerything Djies Tmoorrow Eevrything Dijes Tkmorrow Eberything D9es Tkomorrow Ebverything D9ies Tokmorrow Evberything Di9es
T9morrow Ecerything Dles T9omorrow Ecverything Dlies To9morrow Evcerything Diles T0morrow Egerything Does T0omorrow Egverything Doies To0morrow Evgerything Dioes
Tlmorrow Eferything Dkes Tlomorrow Dkies Tolmorrow Evferything Dikes Timorrow Eveerything D8es Tiomorrow Evrything D8ies Toimorrow Evreything Di8es
Tommorrow Evsrything Dues Toorrow Evserything Duies Toomrrow Evesrything Diues Tojorrow Ev3rything Diees Tojmorrow Ev3erything Dis Tomjorrow Eve3rything Dise
Tokorrow Evfrything Diss Dises Tomkorrow Evefrything Diess Tonorrow Evrrything Di3s Tonmorrow Evrerything Di3es Tomnorrow Everrything Die3s
Tomoorrow Ev4rything Difs Tomrrow Ev4erything Difes Tomrorow Eve4rything Diefs Tomkrrow Evdrything Dirs Evderything Dires Tomokrrow Evedrything Diers
Tom9rrow Evwrything Di4s Tom9orrow Evwerything Di4es Tomo9rrow Evewrything Die4s Tom0rrow Dids Tom0orrow Eveything Dides Tomo0rrow Eveyrthing Dieds
Tomlrrow Evedything Diws Tomlorrow Diwes Tomolrrow Everdything Diews Tomirrow Eve4ything Tomiorrow Die Tomoirrow Ever4ything Dies
Tomorrrow Evegything Diez Tomorow Evegrything Diezs Tomorrow Evergything Diesz Tomodrow Evetything Diew Tomodrrow Evetrything Tomordrow Evertything Diesw
Tomo4row Eve5ything Died Tomo4rrow Eve5rything Tomor4row Ever5ything Diesd Tomogrow Evefything Diee Tomogrrow Tomorgrow Everfything Diese
Tomotrow Eveeything Diex Tomotrrow Diexs Tomortrow Evereything Diesx Tomo5row Everyything Diea Tomo5rrow Everthing Dieas Tomor5row Evertyhing Diesa
Tomofrow Evergthing Tomofrrow Tomorfrow Everygthing Tomoerow Everhthing Tomoerrow Everhything Tomorerow Everyhthing

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