
Verse 1.

You took it out on me
You said that I was weak
You cut in me too deep
The wound I couldn't see
And when I start to scream
You said your goodbyes
Was it all a big lie.


And when I fall asleep
I'll make it all a dream
And I'll make it seem
Like I don't care
That you don't notice me
Don't take it out on me.

Verse 2.

You took it out of line
These thoughts were in my mind
You took it out on me
You said I was weak.


And when I fall asleep
I'll make it all a dream
And I'll make it seem
Like I don't care
That you don't notice me
Don't take it out on me.



Mirror lyrics:



Don't take it out on me.
That you don't notice me
Like I don't care
And I'll make it seem
I'll make it all a dream
And when I fall asleep


You said I was weak.
You took it out on me
These thoughts were in my mind
You took it out of line

Verse 2.

Don't take it out on me.
That you don't notice me
Like I don't care
And I'll make it seem
I'll make it all a dream
And when I fall asleep


Was it all a big lie.
You said your goodbyes
And when I start to scream
The wound I couldn't see
You cut in me too deep
You said that I was weak
You took it out on me

Verse 1.

Relevant Tags:
WWeak eak eWak aeak aWeak Waeak 3eak 3Weak W3eak deak dWeak
Wdeak eeak eWeak Weeak seak sWeak Wseak 2eak 2Weak W2eak qeak
qWeak Wqeak Wak Waek Wsak Wesak W3ak We3ak Wfak Wfeak Wefak
Wrak Wreak Werak

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