Velvet Underground
Who Loves The Sun

Who loves the sun
Who cares that it makes plants grow
Who cares what it does since you broke my heart
Who loves the wind
Who cares that it makes breezes
Who cares what it does since you broke my heart

Who loves the sun
Who loves the sun
Not everyone
Who loves the sun

Who loves the rain
Who cares that it makes flowers
Who cares that it makes showers since you broke my heart
Who loves the sun
Who cares that it is shining
Who cares what it does since you broke my heart

Who loves the sun
Who loves the sun
Not everyone
Who loves the sun


Who loves the sun
Who loves the sun
Not just anyone
Who loves the sun
Who loves the sun

Mirror lyrics:

Who loves the sun
Who loves the sun
Not just anyone
Who loves the sun
Who loves the sun


Who loves the sun
Not everyone
Who loves the sun
Who loves the sun

Who cares what it does since you broke my heart
Who cares that it is shining
Who loves the sun
Who cares that it makes showers since you broke my heart
Who cares that it makes flowers
Who loves the rain

Who loves the sun
Not everyone
Who loves the sun
Who loves the sun

Who cares what it does since you broke my heart
Who cares that it makes breezes
Who loves the wind
Who cares what it does since you broke my heart
Who cares that it makes plants grow
Who loves the sun

Relevant Tags:
WWho LLoves TThe SSun ho oves he un hWo oLves hTe uSn aho koves fhe zun aWho kLoves fThe zSun Waho Lkoves Tfhe Szun
3ho ooves 5he wun 3Who oLoves 5The wSun W3ho Looves T5he Swun dho poves hhe dun dWho pLoves hThe dSun Wdho Lpoves Thhe Sdun
eho yhe eun eWho Lves yThe eSun Weho Lvoes Tyhe Seun sho Lkves 6he xun sWho 6The xSun Wsho Lokves T6he Sxun
2ho L9ves ghe aun 2Who L9oves gThe aSun W2ho Lo9ves Tghe Saun qho L0ves rhe Suun qWho L0oves rThe Sn Wqho Lo0ves Trhe Snu
Whho Llves Shn Wo Lloves Te Shun Woh Lolves Teh Suhn Wjo Lives Tje S7n Wjho Lioves Tjhe S7un Whjo Loives Thje Su7n
Wuo Lovves Tue Skn Wuho Loes Tuhe Skun Whuo Loevs Thue Sukn Wno Lobes Tne Sin Wnho Lobves Tnhe Siun Whno Lovbes Thne Suin
Wbo Loces Tbe S8n Wbho Locves Tbhe S8un Whbo Lovces Thbe Su8n Wgo Loges Tge Sjn Wgho Logves Sjun Whgo Lovges Thge Sujn

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