Velvet Underground
If You Close The Door

one two three

if you close the door
the night could last forever
leave the sunshine out
and say hello to never

all the people are dancing
and theyre having such fun
i wish it could happen to me

but if you close the door
id never have to see the day again

if you close the door
the night could last forever
leave the wine glass out
and drink a toast to never

oh someday i know someone will look into my eyes
and say hellooo
youre my very special one

but if you close the door
id never have to see the day again

dark party bars
shiny cadillac cars
and the people on subways and trains
looking gray in the rain
as they stand disarrayed
all but people look well in the dark

and if you close the door
the night could last forever
leave the sunshine out
and say hello to never

all the people are dancing
and theyre having such fun
i wish it could happen to me

cause if you close the door
id never have to see the day again
id never have to see the day again

once more
id never have to see the day again

Mirror lyrics:

id never have to see the day again
once more

id never have to see the day again
id never have to see the day again
cause if you close the door

i wish it could happen to me
and theyre having such fun
all the people are dancing

and say hello to never
leave the sunshine out
the night could last forever
and if you close the door

all but people look well in the dark
as they stand disarrayed
looking gray in the rain
and the people on subways and trains
shiny cadillac cars
dark party bars

id never have to see the day again
but if you close the door

youre my very special one
and say hellooo
oh someday i know someone will look into my eyes

and drink a toast to never
leave the wine glass out
the night could last forever
if you close the door

id never have to see the day again
but if you close the door

i wish it could happen to me
and theyre having such fun
all the people are dancing

and say hello to never
leave the sunshine out
the night could last forever
if you close the door

one two three

Relevant Tags:
IIf YYou CClose TThe DDoor f ou lose he oor fI oYu lCose hTe oDor jf gou flose fhe xoor jIf gYou fClose fThe xDoor Ijf Ygou Cflose Tfhe Dxoor
9f hou xlose 5he eoor 9If hYou xClose 5The eDoor I9f Yhou Cxlose T5he Deoor lf 6ou vlose hhe foor lIf 6You vClose hThe fDoor Ilf Y6ou Cvlose Thhe Dfoor
of uou dlose yhe roor oIf uYou dClose yThe rDoor Iof Yuou Cdlose Tyhe Droor kf 7ou Cllose 6he coor kIf 7You Cose 6The cDoor Ikf Y7ou Colse T6he Dcoor
8f jou Ckose ghe soor 8If jYou Cklose gThe sDoor I8f Yjou Clkose Tghe Dsoor uf tou Coose rhe Dooor uIf tYou Colose rThe Dor Iuf Ytou Cloose Trhe Door
Iff Yoou Cpose Dkor I Yu Cplose Te Dkoor If Yuo Clpose Teh Dokor Ic Yku Tje D9or Icf Ykou Clse Tjhe D9oor Ifc Yoku Clsoe Thje Do9or
Ir Y9u Clkse Tue D0or Irf Y9ou Tuhe D0oor Ifr Yo9u Clokse Thue Do0or Ig Y0u Cl9se Tne Dlor Igf Y0ou Cl9ose Tnhe Dloor Ifg Yo0u Clo9se Thne Dolor
It Ylu Cl0se Tbe Dior Itf Ylou Cl0ose Tbhe Dioor Ift Yolu Clo0se Thbe Doior Iv Yiu Cllse Tge Ivf Yiou Ifv Yoiu Clolse Thge Doro

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