Velvet Underground
One Of These Days

One of these days
Ain't it peculiar
Gonna look for me
And baby I'll be gone
One of these days
And it won't be long
You gonna call my name
And I'll be far gone

I'm gonna tell you something
That I ain't told no one before
That is if I can't stop dancing
And get my poor self off this bar room floor

One of these days
Ain't it peculiar
Babe you're gonna call my name
You now that I'll be gonne (bye bye baby)

I'm gonna tell you something
That I ain't told no one before
That is if I can't stop dancing
And get my poor self off this bar room floor

One of these days
And it won't be long
You gonna call my name
And I'll be gone
You gonna call my name
And I'll be gone
You gonna call my name
And I'll be gone

Mirror lyrics:

And I'll be gone
You gonna call my name
And I'll be gone
You gonna call my name
And I'll be gone
You gonna call my name
And it won't be long
One of these days

And get my poor self off this bar room floor
That is if I can't stop dancing
That I ain't told no one before
I'm gonna tell you something

You now that I'll be gonne (bye bye baby)
Babe you're gonna call my name
Ain't it peculiar
One of these days

And get my poor self off this bar room floor
That is if I can't stop dancing
That I ain't told no one before
I'm gonna tell you something

And I'll be far gone
You gonna call my name
And it won't be long
One of these days
And baby I'll be gone
Gonna look for me
Ain't it peculiar
One of these days

Relevant Tags:
OOne OOf TThese DDays ne f hese ays nOe fO hTese aDys kne kf fhese xays kOne kOf fThese xDays Okne Okf Tfhese Dxays
9ne 9f 5hese eays 9One 9Of 5These eDays O9ne O9f T5hese Deays 0ne 0f hhese fays 0One 0Of hThese fDays O0ne O0f Thhese Dfays
lne lf yhese rays lOne lOf yThese rDays Olne Olf Tyhese Drays ine if 6hese cays iOne iOf 6These cDays Oine Oif T6hese Dcays
Onne Off ghese says Oe O gThese sDays Oen Of Tghese Dsays Ome Oc rhese Daays Omne Ocf rThese Dys Onme Ofc Trhese Dyas
Ohe Or Dzys Ohne Orf Tese Dzays Onhe Ofr Tehse Dazys Oje Og Tjese Dqys Ojne Ogf Tjhese Dqays Onje Ofg Thjese Daqys
Obe Ot Tuese Dsys Obne Otf Tuhese Onbe Oft Thuese Dasys Onee Ov Tnese Dwys On Ovf Tnhese Dways One Ofv Thnese Dawys
Ons Od Tbese Dxys Onse Odf Tbhese Ones Ofd Thbese Daxys On3 Tgese Dayys On3e Das One3 Thgese Dasy
Onf Tyese Dags Onfe Dagys Onef Thyese Daygs Onr Theese Dahs Onre Thse Dahys Oner Thsee Dayhs
On4 Thsse Da6s On4e Thsese Da6ys One4 Thesse Day6s Ond Th3se Daus

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