Velvet Teen, The

i get out of bed the same way every day
blurry eyed and waiting for the alarm to sing
sing me into fm radiapathy
numb and tired and perfect for the working day

i get home and turn the cable strobe light on
to tell me who i'm not and what my life still lacks
yeah if i could make a copy of myself, i might
so i could have twice as much of everything

come, it's time to wake up
know the way, you know the way

so i tell the world that it can kill its own
blow itself to smithereens for all i care
i will ride the wave into its smoking hole
i will be the vulture to its carriong

Mirror lyrics:

i will be the vulture to its carriong
i will ride the wave into its smoking hole
blow itself to smithereens for all i care
so i tell the world that it can kill its own

know the way, you know the way
come, it's time to wake up

so i could have twice as much of everything
yeah if i could make a copy of myself, i might
to tell me who i'm not and what my life still lacks
i get home and turn the cable strobe light on

numb and tired and perfect for the working day
sing me into fm radiapathy
blurry eyed and waiting for the alarm to sing
i get out of bed the same way every day

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