Velvet Underground
Beginning To See The Light

Well I'm beginning to see the light (x2)
some people work very hard
but still they never get it right
well I'm beginning to see the light
wanna tell all you people now
now, now, baby, I'm beginning to see the light
hey now baby, I'm beginning to see the light
wine in the morning and some breakfast at night
well I'm beginning to see the light

here we go again
playing the fool again
here we go again
acting hard again-alright!

well I'm beginning to see the light
I wanna tell you (oooooooouuu)
hey now baby I'm beginning to see the light
it comes a little softer now
I wore my teeth in my hands
so I could mess the hair of the night (a-ha-ha)
Hey, well I'm beginning to see the light
Now-now-now-now-now-now-now-now baby I'm beginning to see the light now,
it's coming softer
Hey now baby, I'm beginning to see the light
I met myself in a dream and I just wanted to tell ya everything was alright
Hey now baby, I'm beginning to see the light

Here comes two of you
which one will you choose
One is black and one is blue
don't know just what to do, all right
Well I'm beginning to see the light
oh now here she comes, (ooohhh)
Yeah-yeah baby, I'm beginning to see the light,
oh Some people work very hard
but still they never get it right
Well I'm beginning to see the light
oh, it's getting a little softer in the end now
Now-now baby, I'm beginning to see the light
oh, it's coming round again
Hey now-now-now baby, I'm beginning to see the light (one more time)
There are problems in these times but, ooohhh, none of them are mine
Oh baby, I'm beginning to see the light

Here we go again
I thought that you were my friend
Here we go again
I thought that you were my friend
How does it feel to be loved ? (x3)
How does it feel to be loved? (x3)

Mirror lyrics:

How does it feel to be loved? (x3)
How does it feel to be loved ? (x3)
I thought that you were my friend
Here we go again
I thought that you were my friend
Here we go again

Oh baby, I'm beginning to see the light
There are problems in these times but, ooohhh, none of them are mine
Hey now-now-now baby, I'm beginning to see the light (one more time)
oh, it's coming round again
Now-now baby, I'm beginning to see the light
oh, it's getting a little softer in the end now
Well I'm beginning to see the light
but still they never get it right
oh Some people work very hard
Yeah-yeah baby, I'm beginning to see the light,
oh now here she comes, (ooohhh)
Well I'm beginning to see the light
don't know just what to do, all right
One is black and one is blue
which one will you choose
Here comes two of you

Hey now baby, I'm beginning to see the light
I met myself in a dream and I just wanted to tell ya everything was alright
Hey now baby, I'm beginning to see the light
it's coming softer
Now-now-now-now-now-now-now-now baby I'm beginning to see the light now,
Hey, well I'm beginning to see the light
so I could mess the hair of the night (a-ha-ha)
I wore my teeth in my hands
it comes a little softer now
hey now baby I'm beginning to see the light
I wanna tell you (oooooooouuu)
well I'm beginning to see the light

acting hard again-alright!
here we go again
playing the fool again
here we go again

well I'm beginning to see the light
wine in the morning and some breakfast at night
hey now baby, I'm beginning to see the light
now, now, baby, I'm beginning to see the light
wanna tell all you people now
well I'm beginning to see the light
but still they never get it right
some people work very hard
Well I'm beginning to see the light (x2)

Relevant Tags:
BBeginning TTo SSee TThe LLight eginning o ee he ight eBginning oT eSe hTe iLght veginning fo zee fhe kight vBeginning fTo zSee fThe kLight
Bveginning Tfo Szee Tfhe Lkight geginning 5o wee 5he oight gBeginning 5To wSee 5The oLight Bgeginning T5o Swee T5he Loight neginning ho dee hhe pight
nBeginning hTo dSee hThe pLight Bneginning Tho Sdee Thhe Lpight heginning yo eee yhe Liight hBeginning yTo eSee yThe Lght Bheginning Tyo Seee Tyhe Lgiht
Beeginning 6o xee 6he Ljght Bginning 6To xSee 6The Ljight Bgeinning T6o Sxee T6he Lijght Bsginning go aee ghe L9ght Bseginning gTo aSee gThe L9ight
Besginning Tgo Saee Tghe Li9ght B3ginning ro rhe Llght B3eginning rTo Se rThe Llight Be3ginning Tro See Trhe Lilght Bfginning Too Sse Loght
Bfeginning T Ssee Te Befginning To Sese Teh Lioght Brginning Tk S3e Tje Lkght Breginning Tko S3ee Tjhe Berginning Tok Se3e Thje Likght
B4ginning T9 Sfe Tue L8ght B4eginning T9o Sfee Tuhe L8ight Be4ginning To9 Sefe Thue Li8ght Bdginning T0 Sre Tne Lught Bdeginning T0o Sree Tnhe Luight
Bedginning To0 Sere Thne Liught Bwginning Tl S4e Tbe Ligght Bweginning Tlo S4ee Tbhe Liht Bewginning Tol Se4e Thbe Lihgt Begginning Ti Sde Tge Lihht
Beinning Tio Lihght Beignning Toi Sede Thge Lighht Behinning Swe Tye Liyht Behginning Liyght Beghinning Sewe Thye Ligyht
Beyinning Thee Libht Beyginning Th Libght Begyinning The Ligbht Bebinning Ses Ths Livht Bebginning Thse Livght
Begbinning Sees Thes Ligvht Bevinning Se3 Th3 Lifht Bevginning Th3e Lifght Begvinning See3 The3 Ligfht Befinning Sef Thf Litht
Thfe Litght Begfinning Seef Thef Ligtht Betinning Ser Thr Betginning Thre Ligt Begtinning Seer Ther Ligth
Begiinning Se4 Th4 Ligjt Begnning Th4e Ligjht Begnining See4 The4 Lighjt Begjnning Sed Thd Ligut Begjinning Thde Liguht
Begijnning Seed Thed Lighut Beg9nning Sew Thw Lignt Beg9inning Thwe Lignht Begi9nning Seew Thew Lighnt Beglnning Ligbt
Beglinning Begilnning Lighbt Begonning Liggt Begoinning Begionning Lighgt
Begknning Ligyt Begkinning Begiknning Lighyt Beg8nning Lightt Beg8inning Ligh
Begi8nning Light

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