Vera Lynn
If You Love Me, Really Love Me

If the sun should tumble from the sky
If the sea should suddenly run dry
If you love me, really love me
Let it happen, I won't care
If it seems that everything is lost
I should smile and never count the cost
If you love me, really love me
Let it happen, darling, I won't care

Shall I catch a shooting star?
Shall I bring it where you are?
If you want me to, I will
You can set me any task
I'll do anything you ask
If you'll only love me still

When at last our life on earth is through
I shall share eternity with you
If you love me, really love me
Then whatever happens, I won't care

Then whatever happens, I won't care

Mirror lyrics:

Then whatever happens, I won't care

Then whatever happens, I won't care
If you love me, really love me
I shall share eternity with you
When at last our life on earth is through

If you'll only love me still
I'll do anything you ask
You can set me any task
If you want me to, I will
Shall I bring it where you are?
Shall I catch a shooting star?

Let it happen, darling, I won't care
If you love me, really love me
I should smile and never count the cost
If it seems that everything is lost
Let it happen, I won't care
If you love me, really love me
If the sea should suddenly run dry
If the sun should tumble from the sky

Relevant Tags:
IIf YYou LLove MMe, RReally LLove MMe f ou ove e, eally ove e fI oYu oLve eM, eRally oLve eM jf gou kove je, deally kove je jIf gYou kLove jMe, dReally kLove jMe
Ijf Ygou Lkove Mje, Rdeally Lkove Mje 9f hou oove ke, 4eally oove ke 9If hYou oLove kMe, 4Really oLove kMe I9f Yhou Loove Mke, R4eally Loove Mke lf 6ou pove ne, geally pove ne
lIf 6You pLove nMe, gReally pLove nMe Ilf Y6ou Lpove Mne, Rgeally Lpove Mne of uou Mee, teally Mee oIf uYou Lve M, tReally Lve M Iof Yuou Lvoe M,e Rteally Lvoe Me
kf 7ou Lkve Ms, 5eally Lkve Ms kIf 7You Mse, 5Really Mse Ikf Y7ou Lokve Mes, R5eally Lokve Mes 8f jou L9ve M3, feally L9ve M3 8If jYou L9ove M3e, fReally L9ove M3e
I8f Yjou Lo9ve Me3, Rfeally Lo9ve Me3 uf tou L0ve Mf, eeally L0ve Mf uIf tYou L0ove Mfe, eReally L0ove Mfe Iuf Ytou Lo0ve Mef, Reeally Lo0ve Mef Iff Yoou Llve Mr, Llve Mr
I Yu Llove Mre, Rally Llove Mre If Yuo Lolve Mer, Raelly Lolve Mer Ic Yku Live M4, Rsally Live M4 Icf Ykou Liove M4e, Rseally Liove M4e Ifc Yoku Loive Me4, Resally Loive Me4
Ir Y9u Lovve Md, R3ally Lovve Md Irf Y9ou Loe Mde, R3eally Loe Mde Ifr Yo9u Loev Med, Re3ally Loev Med Ig Y0u Lobe Mw, Rfally Lobe Mw Igf Y0ou Lobve Mwe, Lobve Mwe
Ifg Yo0u Lovbe Mew, Refally Lovbe Mew It Ylu Loce Me,, Rrally Loce Itf Ylou Locve Me Rreally Locve Ift Yolu Lovce Me, Rerally Lovce Iv Yiu Loge R4ally Loge
Ivf Yiou Logve Logve Ifv Yoiu Lovge Re4ally Lovge Id Youu Lofe Rdally Lofe Idf Yo Lofve Lofve Ifd You Lovfe Redally Lovfe
Yoh Lovee Rwally Lovee Yohu Lov Rweally Lov Youh Love Rewally Love Yo7 Lovs Reaally Lovs Yo7u Lovse Relly Lovse
You7 Loves Relaly Loves

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