Venus In Flames

The mess we seem to be in could be cleaned up
If we start over again
It could be your place or mine
A safe heaven where we can hide

And I know that it's good to be coming home
And I know that I will not be left alone

How come we choose the right words to hit one another
Wherever it hurts
Water or gasoline
I can't decide which one it shall be

And I know that it's good to be coming home
And I know that I will not be left alone

Because you are my demon and I am your ghost
I guess we're surrounded by the ones that we miss the most
The house is empty and the doors are closed
I can't believe everyone's gone
Can someone tell me what's going on

And I know that it's good to be coming home
And I know that I will not be left alone

The mess we seem to be in could be cleaned up
If we start over again

Mirror lyrics:

If we start over again
The mess we seem to be in could be cleaned up

And I know that I will not be left alone
And I know that it's good to be coming home

Can someone tell me what's going on
I can't believe everyone's gone
The house is empty and the doors are closed
I guess we're surrounded by the ones that we miss the most
Because you are my demon and I am your ghost

And I know that I will not be left alone
And I know that it's good to be coming home

I can't decide which one it shall be
Water or gasoline
Wherever it hurts
How come we choose the right words to hit one another

And I know that I will not be left alone
And I know that it's good to be coming home

A safe heaven where we can hide
It could be your place or mine
If we start over again
The mess we seem to be in could be cleaned up

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