Versus The World
Cold And Blue

I've never felt alone this time of year
In fact I've never felt alone.
There are moments I could lay down and die
But in these dark times it never hurts to try.

What a miracle it'd be if I could see
Just one more breath escape past your teeth.
If I'd have known it was going to be this hard
I would've crawled in the dirt and gone to sleep with you.

Your cold blue lips haunt me while I sleep.
They find me and remind me.

The snow covers your white outline on the street
It almost seems like you weren't here
I know it sad but I walk past it every day
It's the only time I feel anything

Your cold blue lips haunt me while I sleep.
They find me and remind me.
It's not blood, it's not tears
That makes you real
It's the memory you left inside of me.

The table's set for two
Am I crazy?
Is that crazy that I still pour a glass for you

The table's set for two
Am I crazy?
Is that crazy that I still pour a glass for you

Your cold blue lips, they haunt me while I sleep.
They find me and remind me.
It's not blood, it's not tears
That makes you real
It's the memory you left inside of me.

Your cold blue lips haunt me while I sleep.
They find me and remind me.
It's not blood, it's not tears
That makes you real
It's the memory you left inside of me.

Mirror lyrics:

It's the memory you left inside of me.
That makes you real
It's not blood, it's not tears
They find me and remind me.
Your cold blue lips haunt me while I sleep.

It's the memory you left inside of me.
That makes you real
It's not blood, it's not tears
They find me and remind me.
Your cold blue lips, they haunt me while I sleep.

Is that crazy that I still pour a glass for you
Am I crazy?
The table's set for two

Is that crazy that I still pour a glass for you
Am I crazy?
The table's set for two

It's the memory you left inside of me.
That makes you real
It's not blood, it's not tears
They find me and remind me.
Your cold blue lips haunt me while I sleep.

It's the only time I feel anything
I know it sad but I walk past it every day
It almost seems like you weren't here
The snow covers your white outline on the street

They find me and remind me.
Your cold blue lips haunt me while I sleep.

I would've crawled in the dirt and gone to sleep with you.
If I'd have known it was going to be this hard
Just one more breath escape past your teeth.
What a miracle it'd be if I could see

But in these dark times it never hurts to try.
There are moments I could lay down and die
In fact I've never felt alone.
I've never felt alone this time of year

Relevant Tags:
CCold AAnd BBlue old nd lue oCld nAd lBue fold znd vlue fCold zAnd vBlue Cfold Aznd Bvlue xold qnd glue xCold qAnd gBlue Cxold Aqnd Bglue
vold snd nlue vCold sAnd nBlue Cvold Asnd Bnlue dold wnd hlue dCold wAnd hBlue Cdold Awnd Bhlue Coold xnd Bllue Cld xAnd Bue Clod Axnd Bule
Ckld Annd Bkue Ckold Ad Bklue Cokld Adn Blkue C9ld Amd Boue C9old Amnd Bolue Co9ld Anmd Bloue C0ld Ahd Bpue C0old Ahnd Bplue Co0ld Anhd Blpue
Clld Ajd Bluue Clold Ajnd Ble Colld Anjd Bleu Cild Abd Blhe Ciold Abnd Blhue Coild Anbd Bluhe Andd Bl7e Cod An Bl7ue Codl And Blu7e
Cokd Anx Blke

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