The Authors

they're letting their eyes cross
cuz they don't know, they don't know what we know
that these lights are only here to lead us in the wrong direction
or to a false impression

impact is up to us

and it's all these days that kept us so far away
we can break out of this name
we could give ourselves meaning
we were never sorry for the choices that we made
not to sing in your name, but what is faith?

not in the mood to chase, not after these things will never change
a small claim to the stories we've told
who says we're wrong?
with waking arms we stood so strong

impact is inevitable, and it's up to us

i hope i'm not the only one with these words sitting on my tongue
(i'm not afraid to say this) only drowning men could see
and that's not enough for me

oh, what is faith?

Mirror lyrics:

oh, what is faith?

and that's not enough for me
(i'm not afraid to say this) only drowning men could see
i hope i'm not the only one with these words sitting on my tongue

impact is inevitable, and it's up to us

with waking arms we stood so strong
who says we're wrong?
a small claim to the stories we've told
not in the mood to chase, not after these things will never change

not to sing in your name, but what is faith?
we were never sorry for the choices that we made
we could give ourselves meaning
we can break out of this name
and it's all these days that kept us so far away

impact is up to us

or to a false impression
that these lights are only here to lead us in the wrong direction
cuz they don't know, they don't know what we know
they're letting their eyes cross

Relevant Tags:
TThe AAuthors he uthors hTe uAthors fhe zuthors fThe zAuthors Tfhe Azuthors 5he quthors 5The qAuthors T5he Aquthors hhe suthors
hThe sAuthors Thhe Asuthors yhe wuthors yThe wAuthors Tyhe Awuthors 6he xuthors 6The xAuthors T6he Axuthors ghe Auuthors gThe Athors
Tghe Atuhors rhe Ahthors rThe Ahuthors Trhe Auhthors A7thors Te A7uthors Teh Au7thors Tje Akthors Tjhe Akuthors Thje Aukthors
Tue Aithors Tuhe Aiuthors Thue Auithors Tne A8thors Tnhe A8uthors Thne Au8thors Tbe Ajthors Tbhe Ajuthors Thbe Aujthors Tge Aythors
Ayuthors Thge Auythors Tye Autthors Auhors Thye Auhtors Thee Aufhors Th Aufthors The Autfhors Ths Au5hors Thse Au5thors
Thes Aut5hors Th3 Auhhors Th3e The3 Authhors Thf Auyhors Thfe Thef Autyhors Thr Au6hors Thre Au6thors Ther Aut6hors
Th4 Aughors Th4e Augthors The4 Autghors Thd Aurhors Thde Aurthors Thed Autrhors Thw Thwe Autors Thew Autohrs Autjors
Autjhors Authjors

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