If I Have To Be Alone (up Against It Version)

If I have to be alone

Then I should make my mind serene

After all you're born alone, you die alone

You might as well spend every moment in between alone

But if I have to be alone

Then it will be on my own terms

I can never talk about it, ever show it

Even though the world is watching while I squirm alone

And your bleeding heart friends say, "Isn't it sad?"

Then they go make love

While you go insane. Insane!

It drives you mad! Mad!

My mind, I love my mind

And if no one can feel the same

I'm a computer with a name

And I've got no one else to blame

If I have to be alone

And if nobody understands

That special creature that is me

And if they fail to see the me I see

Then no one else knows truly what it means

To be alone

Maybe once in a lifetime you lose your will

Then you can let down your guard

But they cower in fear. In fear.

It makes you ill! Ill!

My heart, my burning heart

And if no one will quench the flame

I'm not obliged to do the same

And then they'll have to share the blame

Because I have to be alone

Because I have to be alone

But I don't want to be alone

Mirror lyrics:

But I don't want to be alone

Because I have to be alone

Because I have to be alone

And then they'll have to share the blame

I'm not obliged to do the same

And if no one will quench the flame

My heart, my burning heart

It makes you ill! Ill!

But they cower in fear. In fear.

Then you can let down your guard

Maybe once in a lifetime you lose your will

To be alone

Then no one else knows truly what it means

And if they fail to see the me I see

That special creature that is me

And if nobody understands

If I have to be alone

And I've got no one else to blame

I'm a computer with a name

And if no one can feel the same

My mind, I love my mind

It drives you mad! Mad!

While you go insane. Insane!

Then they go make love

And your bleeding heart friends say, "Isn't it sad?"

Even though the world is watching while I squirm alone

I can never talk about it, ever show it

Then it will be on my own terms

But if I have to be alone

You might as well spend every moment in between alone

After all you're born alone, you die alone

Then I should make my mind serene

If I have to be alone

Relevant Tags:
IIf II HHave TTo BBe AAlone ((up AAgainst IIt VVersion) f ave o e lone up gainst t ersion) fI I aHve oT eB lAone u(p gAainst tI eVrsion)
jf j jave fo ve zlone (uup zgainst jt bersion) jIf jI jHave fTo vBe zAlone (p zAgainst jIt bVersion) Ijf Ij Hjave Tfo Bve Azlone (pu Azgainst Ijt Vbersion)
9f 9 uave 5o ge qlone (hp qgainst 9t cersion) 9If 9I uHave 5To gBe qAlone (hup qAgainst 9It cVersion) I9f I9 Huave T5o Bge Aqlone (uhp Aqgainst I9t Vcersion)
lf l nave ho ne slone (7p sgainst lt gersion) lIf lI nHave hTo nBe sAlone (7up sAgainst lIt gVersion) Ilf Il Hnave Tho Bne Aslone (u7p Asgainst Ilt Vgersion)
of o bave yo he wlone (kp wgainst ot fersion) oIf oI bHave yTo hBe wAlone (kup wAgainst oIt fVersion) Iof Io Hbave Tyo Bhe Awlone (ukp Awgainst Iot Vfersion)
kf k gave 6o Bee xlone (ip xgainst kt Veersion) kIf kI gHave 6To B xAlone (iup xAgainst kIt Vrsion) Ikf Ik Hgave T6o Be Axlone (uip Axgainst Ikt Vresion)
8f 8 yave go Bs Allone (8p Aggainst 8t Vsrsion) 8If 8I yHave gTo Bse Aone (8up Aainst 8It Vsersion) I8f I8 Hyave Tgo Bes Aolne (u8p Aaginst I8t Vesrsion)
uf u Haave ro B3 Akone (jp Ahainst ut V3rsion) uIf uI Hve rTo B3e Aklone (jup Ahgainst uIt V3ersion) Iuf Iu Hvae Tro Be3 Alkone (ujp Aghainst Iut Ve3rsion)
Iff Hzve Too Bf Aoone (yp Ayainst Itt Vfrsion) I Hzave T Bfe Aolone (yup Aygainst I If Hazve To Bef Aloone (uyp Agyainst It Vefrsion)
Ic Hqve Tk Br Apone (upp Abainst If Vrrsion) Icf Hqave Tko Bre Aplone (u Abgainst Ift Vrersion) Ifc Haqve Tok Ber Alpone (up Agbainst Itf Verrsion)
Ir Hsve T9 B4 (u0 Avainst I5 V4rsion) Irf Hsave T9o B4e Alne (u0p Avgainst I5t V4ersion) Ifr Hasve To9 Be4 Alnoe (up0 Agvainst It5 Ve4rsion)
Ig Hwve T0 Bd Alkne (ul Afainst Ih Vdrsion) Igf Hwave T0o Bde (ulp Afgainst Iht Vdersion) Ifg Hawve To0 Bed Alokne (upl Agfainst Ith Vedrsion)
It Hxve Tl Bw Al9ne (uo Atainst Iy Vwrsion) Itf Hxave Tlo Bwe Al9one (uop Atgainst Iyt Vwersion) Ift Haxve Tol Bew Alo9ne (upo Agtainst Ity Vewrsion)
Iv Havve Ti Al0ne Agaainst I6 Ivf Hae Tio Al0one Aginst I6t Vesion) Ifv Haev Toi Alo0ne Agianst It6 Vesrion)
Id Habe Allne Agzinst Ig Vedsion) Idf Habve Agzainst Igt Ifd Havbe Alolne Agazinst Itg Verdsion)
Hace Aline Agqinst Ir Ve4sion) Hacve Alione Agqainst Irt Havce Aloine Agaqinst Itr Ver4sion)
Hage Alonne Agsinst Vegsion) Hagve Aloe Agsainst Vegrsion) Havge Aloen Agasinst Vergsion)
Hafe Alome Agwinst Vetsion) Hafve Alomne Agwainst Vetrsion) Havfe Alonme Agawinst Vertsion)
Havee Alohe Agxinst Ve5sion) Hav Alohne Agxainst Ve5rsion) Have Alonhe Agaxinst Ver5sion)
Havs Aloje Agaiinst Vefsion) Havse Alojne Aganst Haves Alonje Aganist Verfsion)
Hav3 Alobe Agajnst Veesion) Hav3e Alobne Agajinst Have3 Alonbe Agaijnst Veresion)
Havf Alonee Aga9nst Verssion) Alon Aga9inst Verion) Havef Alone Agai9nst Verison)
Havr Alons Agalnst Verzion) Havre Alonse Agalinst Verzsion) Haver Alones Agailnst Verszion)
Hav4 Alon3 Agaonst Verwion)

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