One Day You'll Be Mine

Yeah, check it out
I'm sayin' you gon' be mine

Fist time I saw you baby you did something to me
That no else has ever done

Something in your eyes caught me by surprise
And told me that you were the one

But what's bad is I know you got on man and he'll never understand
The chemistry between me and you, ah baby

Something inside of me it's saying you and I were meant to be
If you can think it you can have it that's why I believe

One day you'll be mine, mine
No more creepin', sleepin' around
Whisperin' when he's around

One day you'll be mine, mine
No more creepin', sleepin' around
Whisperin' when he's around

Now every time I see you baby it's plain to see
That I'm everything you've been missin' at home baby

So much love to share it's something in the air
Tellin' me I should never leave you alone

But even through I know you got a man he'll never understand
The chemistry between me and you, ah baby

You can try to stop it but it won't quit
You say you don't when I know that you want It
I know, one day you'll be mine

One day you'll be mine, mine
No more creepin', sleepin' around
Whisperin' when he's around

One day you'll be mine, mine
No more creepin', sleepin' around
Whisperin' when he's around

One day you'll be mine, mine
No more creepin', sleepin' around
Whisperin' when he's around

One day you'll be mine, mine
No more creepin', sleepin' around
Whisperin' when he's around

Mirror lyrics:

Whisperin' when he's around
No more creepin', sleepin' around
One day you'll be mine, mine

Whisperin' when he's around
No more creepin', sleepin' around
One day you'll be mine, mine

Whisperin' when he's around
No more creepin', sleepin' around
One day you'll be mine, mine

Whisperin' when he's around
No more creepin', sleepin' around
One day you'll be mine, mine

I know, one day you'll be mine
You say you don't when I know that you want It
You can try to stop it but it won't quit

The chemistry between me and you, ah baby
But even through I know you got a man he'll never understand

Tellin' me I should never leave you alone
So much love to share it's something in the air

That I'm everything you've been missin' at home baby
Now every time I see you baby it's plain to see

Whisperin' when he's around
No more creepin', sleepin' around
One day you'll be mine, mine

Whisperin' when he's around
No more creepin', sleepin' around
One day you'll be mine, mine

If you can think it you can have it that's why I believe
Something inside of me it's saying you and I were meant to be

The chemistry between me and you, ah baby
But what's bad is I know you got on man and he'll never understand

And told me that you were the one
Something in your eyes caught me by surprise

That no else has ever done
Fist time I saw you baby you did something to me

I'm sayin' you gon' be mine
Yeah, check it out

Relevant Tags:
OOne DDay YYou'll BBe MMine ne ay ou'll e ine nOe aDy oYu'll eB iMne kne xay gou'll ve jine kOne xDay gYou'll vBe jMine Okne Dxay Ygou'll Bve Mjine
9ne eay hou'll ge kine 9One eDay hYou'll gBe kMine O9ne Deay Yhou'll Bge Mkine 0ne fay 6ou'll ne nine 0One fDay 6You'll nBe nMine O0ne Dfay Y6ou'll Bne Mnine
lne ray uou'll he Miine lOne rDay uYou'll hBe Mne Olne Dray Yuou'll Bhe Mnie ine cay 7ou'll Bee Mjne iOne cDay 7You'll B Oine Dcay Y7ou'll Be Mijne
Onne say jou'll Bs M9ne Oe sDay jYou'll Bse M9ine Oen Dsay Yjou'll Bes Mi9ne Ome Daay tou'll B3 Mlne Omne Dy tYou'll B3e Mline Onme Dya Ytou'll Be3 Milne
Ohe Dzy Yoou'll Bf Mone Ohne Dzay Yu'll Bfe Moine Onhe Dazy Yuo'll Bef Mione Oje Dqy Yku'll Br Mkne Ojne Dqay Ykou'll Bre Onje Daqy Yoku'll Ber Mikne
Obe Dsy Y9u'll B4 M8ne Obne Y9ou'll B4e M8ine Onbe Dasy Yo9u'll Be4 Mi8ne Onee Dwy Y0u'll Bd Mune On Dway Y0ou'll Bde Muine One Dawy Yo0u'll Bed Miune
Ons Dxy Ylu'll Bw Minne Onse Ylou'll Bwe Mie Ones Daxy Yolu'll Bew Mien On3 Dayy Yiu'll Mime On3e Da Yiou'll Mimne One3 Day Yoiu'll Minme
Onf Dag Youu'll Mihe

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