Blessed Be The Name Of The Lord

Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be the name of the Lord
For He is our rock, for He is our rock
He is the Lord
For He is our rock, for He is our rock
He is the Lord

Jesus reigns on high above the earth
Jesus reigns on high above the earth
Jesus reigns on high above the earth
Jesus reigns on high above the earth
The universe is in the hands of the Lord
The universe is in the hands of the Lord

Mirror lyrics:

The universe is in the hands of the Lord
The universe is in the hands of the Lord
Jesus reigns on high above the earth
Jesus reigns on high above the earth
Jesus reigns on high above the earth
Jesus reigns on high above the earth

He is the Lord
For He is our rock, for He is our rock
He is the Lord
For He is our rock, for He is our rock
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be the name of the Lord
Blessed be the name of the Lord

Relevant Tags:
BBlessed BBe TThe NName OOf TThe LLord lessed e he ame f he ord lBessed eB hTe aNme fO hTe oLrd vlessed ve fhe mame kf fhe kord vBlessed vBe fThe mName kOf fThe kLord
Bvlessed Bve Tfhe Nmame Okf Tfhe Lkord glessed ge 5he hame 9f 5he oord gBlessed gBe 5The hName 9Of 5The oLord Bglessed Bge T5he Nhame O9f T5he Loord nlessed ne hhe jame 0f hhe pord
nBlessed nBe hThe jName 0Of hThe pLord Bnlessed Bne Thhe Njame O0f Thhe Lpord hlessed he yhe bame lf yhe hBlessed hBe yThe bName lOf yThe Lrd Bhlessed Bhe Tyhe Nbame Olf Tyhe Lrod
Bllessed Bee 6he Naame if 6he Lkrd Bessed B 6The Nme iOf 6The Belssed Be T6he Nmae Oif T6he Lokrd Bkessed Bs ghe Nzme Off ghe L9rd Bklessed Bse gThe Nzame O gThe L9ord
Blkessed Bes Tghe Nazme Of Tghe Lo9rd Boessed B3 rhe Nqme Oc rhe L0rd Bolessed B3e rThe Nqame Ocf rThe L0ord Bloessed Be3 Trhe Naqme Ofc Trhe Lo0rd Bpessed Bf Nsme Or Llrd
Bplessed Bfe Te Nsame Orf Te Llord Blpessed Bef Teh Nasme Ofr Teh Lolrd Bleessed Br Tje Nwme Og Tje Lird Blssed Bre Tjhe Nwame Ogf Tjhe Liord Blsesed Ber Thje Nawme Ofg Thje Loird
Blsssed B4 Tue Nxme Ot Tue Lorrd Blsessed B4e Tuhe Nxame Otf Tuhe Lod Blesssed Be4 Thue Naxme Oft Thue Lodr Bl3ssed Bd Tne Namme Ov Tne Lodd Bl3essed Bde Tnhe Nae Ovf Tnhe Lodrd
Ble3ssed Bed Thne Naem Ofv Thne Lordd Blfssed Bw Tbe Naje Od Tbe Lo4d Blfessed Bwe Tbhe Najme Odf Tbhe Lo4rd Blefssed Bew Thbe Namje Ofd Thbe Lor4d Blrssed Tge Nake Tge Logd
Blressed Nakme Logrd Blerssed Thge Namke Thge Lorgd Bl4ssed Tye Nane Tye Lotd Bl4essed Nanme Lotrd Ble4ssed Thye Namne Thye Lortd
Bldssed Thee Namee Thee Lo5d Bldessed Th Nam Th Lo5rd Bledssed The Name The Lor5d Blwssed Ths Nams Ths Lofd Blwessed Thse Namse Thse Lofrd
Blewssed Thes Names Thes Lorfd Th3 Nam3 Th3 Loed Blesed Th3e Nam3e Th3e Loerd Blessed The3 Name3 The3 Lored Blezsed Thf Namf Thf
Blezssed Thfe Namfe Thfe Lor Bleszsed Thef Namef Thef Lord Blewsed Thr Namr Thr Lorx

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