All Who Are Thirsty

All who are thirsty
All who are weak
Come to the fountain
Dip your heart in the stream of life
Let the pain and the sorrow
Be washed away
In the waves of his mercy
As deep cries out to deep
(we sing)

Come Lord Jesus come (3x)
Holy Spirit come (3x)
As deep cries out to deep (2x)

Mirror lyrics:

As deep cries out to deep (2x)
Holy Spirit come (3x)
Come Lord Jesus come (3x)

(we sing)
As deep cries out to deep
In the waves of his mercy
Be washed away
Let the pain and the sorrow
Dip your heart in the stream of life
Come to the fountain
All who are weak
All who are thirsty

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AAll WWho AAre TThirsty ll ho re hirsty lAl hWo rAe hTirsty zll aho zre fhirsty zAll aWho zAre fThirsty Azll Waho Azre Tfhirsty
qll 3ho qre 5hirsty qAll 3Who qAre 5Thirsty Aqll W3ho Aqre T5hirsty sll dho sre hhirsty sAll dWho sAre hThirsty Asll Wdho Asre Thhirsty
wll eho wre yhirsty wAll eWho wAre yThirsty Awll Weho Awre Tyhirsty xll sho xre 6hirsty xAll sWho xAre 6Thirsty Axll Wsho Axre T6hirsty
Alll 2ho Arre ghirsty Al 2Who Ae gThirsty All W2ho Aer Tghirsty Akl qho Ade rhirsty Akll qWho Adre rThirsty Alkl Wqho Arde Trhirsty
Aol Whho A4e Aoll Wo A4re Tirsty Alol Woh Ar4e Tihrsty Apl Wjo Age Tjirsty Apll Wjho Agre Tjhirsty Alpl Whjo Arge Thjirsty
Wuo Ate Tuirsty Wuho Atre Tuhirsty Whuo Arte Thuirsty Alk Wno A5e Tnirsty Wnho A5re Tnhirsty Allk Whno Ar5e Thnirsty
Alo Wbo Afe Tbirsty Wbho Afre Tbhirsty Allo Whbo Arfe Thbirsty Alp Wgo Aee Tgirsty Wgho Aere Allp Whgo Aree Thgirsty
Wyo Tyirsty Wyho Ar Whyo Are Thyirsty Whoo Ars Thiirsty Wh Arse Thrsty Who Ares Thristy
Whk Ar3 Thjrsty Whko Ar3e Whok Are3 Thijrsty Wh9 Arf Th9rsty Wh9o Th9irsty Who9 Aref Thi9rsty
Wh0 Arr Thlrsty Wh0o Thlirsty Who0 Arer Thilrsty Whl Ar4 Thorsty Whlo Thoirsty Whol Are4 Thiorsty
Whi Ard Thkrsty Whio Thkirsty Whoi Ared Thikrsty Arw Th8rsty Arwe Th8irsty Arew Thi8rsty
Thursty Thiursty Thirrsty Thisty Thisrty Thidsty
Thidrsty Thirdsty

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