Vince Neil
One Less Mouth To Feed

Daddy¹s in the bathroom
Mama¹s on the streets
Garden party soiree
Makes no sense to me
Sirens in the background
Gunshots I can¹t see
Won¹t anybody listen
To a child of three
Can¹t you see me oh ya/can¹t ya see me now
Don¹t you need me oh ya/don¹t ya need me now
Please feed me oh ya/one less mouth to feed
Can¹t you see me

Cryin¹ from the hunger
Of a love that isn¹t there
Nothing really matters
Cause no one really cares
Starin¹ out the window
There ain¹t nothin¹ I can¹t see
Is this my future
Is hell my destiny

Mirror lyrics:

Is hell my destiny
Is this my future
There ain¹t nothin¹ I can¹t see
Starin¹ out the window
Cause no one really cares
Nothing really matters
Of a love that isn¹t there
Cryin¹ from the hunger

Can¹t you see me
Please feed me oh ya/one less mouth to feed
Don¹t you need me oh ya/don¹t ya need me now
Can¹t you see me oh ya/can¹t ya see me now
To a child of three
Won¹t anybody listen
Gunshots I can¹t see
Sirens in the background
Makes no sense to me
Garden party soiree
Mama¹s on the streets
Daddy¹s in the bathroom

Relevant Tags:
OOne LLess MMouth TTo FFeed ne ess outh o eed nOe eLss oMuth oT eFed kne kess jouth fo ceed kOne kLess jMouth fTo cFeed Okne Lkess Mjouth Tfo Fceed
9ne oess kouth 5o reed 9One oLess kMouth 5To rFeed O9ne Loess Mkouth T5o Freed 0ne pess nouth ho geed 0One pLess nMouth hTo gFeed O0ne Lpess Mnouth Tho Fgeed
lne Leess Moouth yo teed lOne Lss Muth yTo tFeed Olne Lses Muoth Tyo Fteed ine Lsss Mkuth 6o veed iOne Lsess 6To vFeed Oine Lesss Mokuth T6o Fveed
Onne L3ss M9uth go deed Oe L3ess M9outh gTo dFeed Oen Le3ss Mo9uth Tgo Fdeed Ome Lfss M0uth ro Feeed Omne Lfess M0outh rTo Fed Onme Lefss Mo0uth Tro Feed
Ohe Lrss Mluth Too Fsed Ohne Lress Mlouth T Fseed Onhe Lerss Moluth To Fesed Oje L4ss Miuth Tk F3ed Ojne L4ess Miouth Tko F3eed Onje Le4ss Moiuth Tok Fe3ed
Obe Ldss Mouuth T9 Ffed Obne Ldess Moth T9o Ffeed Onbe Ledss Motuh To9 Fefed Onee Lwss Mohth T0 Fred On Lwess Mohuth T0o One Lewss Mouhth To0 Fered
Ons Mo7th Tl F4ed Onse Les Mo7uth Tlo F4eed Ones Less Mou7th Tol Fe4ed On3 Lezs Mokth Ti Fded On3e Lezss Tio One3 Leszs Moukth Toi Feded
Onf Lews Moith Fwed Onfe Fweed Onef Lesws Mouith Fewed Onr Leds Mo8th

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