Vince Gill
'til The Best Comes Along

(Vince Gill)

Now I ain't the best looking guy in the world
And I ain't got much money at all
But when our eyes met I never forget
That for you I could easily fall.

So why don't we just keep on dancing
While the band sings an old country song
Well, I won't be depressed if I ain't the best
But will I do till the best comes along?

--- Instrumental ---

I ain't got a mansion on some mountain top
And I ain't got no long limousine
But I've got a heart as warm as the sun
And I could love you like you've never seen.

So why don't we just keep on dancing
While the band sings an old country song
Well, I won't be depressed if I ain't the best
But will I do till the best comes along?

No, I won't be depressed if I ain't the best
But will I do till the best comes along?...

Mirror lyrics:

But will I do till the best comes along?...
No, I won't be depressed if I ain't the best

But will I do till the best comes along?
Well, I won't be depressed if I ain't the best
While the band sings an old country song
So why don't we just keep on dancing

And I could love you like you've never seen.
But I've got a heart as warm as the sun
And I ain't got no long limousine
I ain't got a mansion on some mountain top

--- Instrumental ---

But will I do till the best comes along?
Well, I won't be depressed if I ain't the best
While the band sings an old country song
So why don't we just keep on dancing

That for you I could easily fall.
But when our eyes met I never forget
And I ain't got much money at all
Now I ain't the best looking guy in the world

(Vince Gill)

Relevant Tags:
''til TThe BBest CComes AAlong til he est omes long t'il hTe eBst oCmes lAong 'ttil fhe vest fomes zlong 'il fThe vBest fComes zAlong
'itl Tfhe Bvest Cfomes Azlong 'fil 5he gest xomes qlong 'ftil 5The gBest xComes qAlong 'tfil T5he Bgest Cxomes Aqlong '5il hhe nest vomes slong
'5til hThe nBest vComes sAlong 't5il Thhe Bnest Cvomes Aslong 'hil yhe hest domes wlong 'htil yThe hBest dComes wAlong 'thil Tyhe Bhest Cdomes Awlong
'yil 6he Beest Coomes xlong 'ytil 6The Bst Cmes xAlong 'tyil T6he Bset Cmoes Axlong '6il ghe Bsst Ckmes Allong '6til gThe Bsest Ckomes Aong
't6il Tghe Besst Cokmes Aolng 'gil rhe B3st C9mes Akong 'gtil rThe B3est C9omes Aklong 'tgil Trhe Be3st Co9mes Alkong 'ril Bfst C0mes Aoong
'rtil Te Bfest C0omes Aolong 'tril Teh Befst Co0mes Aloong 'tiil Tje Brst Clmes Apong 'tl Tjhe Brest Clomes Aplong 'tli Thje Berst Colmes Alpong
'tjl Tue B4st Cimes 'tjil Tuhe B4est Ciomes Alng 'tijl Thue Be4st Coimes Alnog 't9l Tne Bdst Commes Alkng 't9il Tnhe Bdest Coes
'ti9l Thne Bedst Coems Alokng 'tll Tbe Bwst Cojes Al9ng 'tlil Tbhe Bwest Cojmes Al9ong 'till Thbe Bewst Comjes Alo9ng 'tol Tge Cokes Al0ng
'toil Bet Al0ong 'tiol Thge Bets Comkes Alo0ng 'tkl Tye Bezt Cones Allng

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