Varsity Fanclub
What I Really Want To Say

I say I don't care
But it makes me crazy when you're not there
I say I don't need you next to me

I say I don't need your touch
I say you don't mean that much
Say this love don't mean a thing

Wha I really wanna say is you stay on my mind
And I die everytime, that you're not around me
What I really wanna show you is what's in my heart
But I stop when I start, keep it locked inside me
What I really wanna do is just scream it out loud
Get the message through
What I really wanna say is I love you

I say I can live without you
But my mind's all tied up in thoughts about you
I say I wont let you get to me, yeah, yeah, yeah

But everytime I'm with you
I get so caught up in you
Say this love aint what I need

Wha I really wanna say is you stay on my mind
And I die everytime, that you're not around me
What I really wanna show you is what's in my heart
But I stop when I start, keep it locked inside me
What I really wanna do is just scream it out loud
Get the message through
What I really wanna say is I love you

Why can't I say what I'm thinking
Why must I hide what I'm feeling
I'll tell you I don't care at all

Wha I really wanna say is you stay on my mind
And I die everytime, that you're not around me
What I really wanna show you is what's in my heart
But I stop when I start, keep it locked inside me
What I really wanna do is just scream it out loud
Get the message through
What I really wanna say
What I really wanna say
What I really wanna say now baby
What I really wanna do now baby, baby, baby, baby

What I really wanna show
What I really wanna say
What I really wanna do is just scream it out loud
Get the message through

What I really wanna say
What I really wanna say

Mirror lyrics:

What I really wanna say
What I really wanna say

Get the message through
What I really wanna do is just scream it out loud
What I really wanna say
What I really wanna show

What I really wanna do now baby, baby, baby, baby
What I really wanna say now baby
What I really wanna say
What I really wanna say
Get the message through
What I really wanna do is just scream it out loud
But I stop when I start, keep it locked inside me
What I really wanna show you is what's in my heart
And I die everytime, that you're not around me
Wha I really wanna say is you stay on my mind

I'll tell you I don't care at all
Why must I hide what I'm feeling
Why can't I say what I'm thinking

What I really wanna say is I love you
Get the message through
What I really wanna do is just scream it out loud
But I stop when I start, keep it locked inside me
What I really wanna show you is what's in my heart
And I die everytime, that you're not around me
Wha I really wanna say is you stay on my mind

Say this love aint what I need
I get so caught up in you
But everytime I'm with you

I say I wont let you get to me, yeah, yeah, yeah
But my mind's all tied up in thoughts about you
I say I can live without you

What I really wanna say is I love you
Get the message through
What I really wanna do is just scream it out loud
But I stop when I start, keep it locked inside me
What I really wanna show you is what's in my heart
And I die everytime, that you're not around me
Wha I really wanna say is you stay on my mind

Say this love don't mean a thing
I say you don't mean that much
I say I don't need your touch

I say I don't need you next to me
But it makes me crazy when you're not there
I say I don't care

Relevant Tags:
WWhat II RReally WWant TTo SSay hat eally ant o ay hWat I eRally aWnt oT aSy ahat j deally aant fo zay aWhat jI dReally aWant fTo zSay
Wahat Ij Rdeally Waant Tfo Szay 3hat 9 4eally 3ant 5o way 3What 9I 4Really 3Want 5To wSay W3hat I9 R4eally W3ant T5o Sway dhat l geally dant ho day
dWhat lI gReally dWant hTo dSay Wdhat Il Rgeally Wdant Tho Sday ehat o teally eant yo eay eWhat oI tReally eWant yTo eSay Wehat Io Rteally Weant Tyo Seay
shat k 5eally sant 6o xay sWhat kI 5Really sWant 6To xSay Wshat Ik R5eally Wsant T6o Sxay 2hat 8 feally 2ant go aay 2What 8I fReally 2Want gTo aSay
W2hat I8 Rfeally W2ant Tgo Saay qhat u eeally qant ro qWhat uI eReally qWant rTo Sy Wqhat Iu Reeally Wqant Tro Sya Whhat Too Szy
Wat Rally Wnt T Waht Raelly Wnat To Sazy Wjat Rsally Wznt Tk Sqy Wjhat Rseally Wzant Tko Sqay Whjat Resally Waznt Tok Saqy
Wuat R3ally Wqnt T9 Ssy Wuhat R3eally T9o Ssay Whuat Re3ally Waqnt To9 Sasy Wnat Rfally Wsnt T0 Swy Wnhat T0o
Whnat Refally Wasnt To0 Sawy Wbat Rrally Wwnt Tl Sxy Wbhat Rreally Wwant Tlo Whbat Rerally Wawnt Tol Saxy Wgat R4ally Wxnt Ti Sayy
Wghat Wxant Tio Sa Whgat Re4ally Waxnt Toi Say Wyat Rdally Wannt Sag Wyhat Wat Sagy Whyat Redally Watn Sayg
Whaat Rwally Wamt Sah Wht Rweally Wamnt Sahy Whta Rewally Wanmt Sayh Whzt Reaally Waht Sa6 Whzat Relly Wahnt Sa6y
Whazt Relaly Wanht Say6

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