Varukers, The
All Systems Fail

You try to fight the system
But it's to no avail
All taht the systems doing
You could only fail
All, All, All systems fail, systems fail.
Now that the system is falling to pieces,
Now that the system's failed no more deceiving

Mirror lyrics:

Now that the system's failed no more deceiving
Now that the system is falling to pieces,
All, All, All systems fail, systems fail.
You could only fail
All taht the systems doing
But it's to no avail
You try to fight the system

Relevant Tags:
AAll SSystems FFail ll ystems ail lAl ySstems aFil zll zystems cail zAll zSystems cFail Azll Szystems Fcail qll wystems rail
qAll wSystems rFail Aqll Swystems Frail sll dystems gail sAll dSystems gFail Asll Sdystems Fgail wll eystems tail wAll eSystems tFail
Awll Seystems Ftail xll xystems vail xAll xSystems vFail Axll Sxystems Fvail Alll aystems dail Al aSystems dFail All Saystems Fdail
Akl Syystems Faail Akll Sstems Fil Alkl Ssytems Fial Aol Sgstems Fzil Aoll Sgystems Fzail Alol Sygstems Fazil Apl Shstems Fqil
Apll Shystems Fqail Alpl Syhstems Faqil S6stems Fsil S6ystems Fsail Sy6stems Fasil Alk Sustems Fwil Suystems Fwail
Allk Syustems Fawil Alo S7stems Fxil S7ystems Fxail Allo Sy7stems Faxil Alp Sjstems Faiil Sjystems Fal Allp Syjstems Fali
Ststems Fajl Stystems Fajil Sytstems Faijl Sysstems Fa9l Sytems Fa9il Sytsems Fai9l Syztems Fall
Syzstems Falil Sysztems Faill Sywtems Faol Sywstems Faoil Syswtems Faiol Sydtems Fakl Sydstems Fakil
Sysdtems Faikl Syetems Fa8l Syestems Fa8il Sysetems Fai8l Syxtems Faul Syxstems Fauil Sysxtems Faiul
Syatems Syastems Fai Sysatems Fail Systtems Faik Sysems Sysetms Failk Sysfems Faio
Sysftems Systfems Failo Sys5ems Faip

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