Various Artists
You're Gonna Love Me One Day [heather Myles]

You don't know it yet,
But one day you're gonna have regrets.
When you realize your foolish ways,
You're gonna love me one day.
And it might take some time,
But my love is like a vintage wine.
And it gets better as it grows with age, hey, hey,
You're gonna love me one day.

You'll be sorry, you'll be blue,
And there's nothin' I can do.
'Cos everything you've done to me,
Is comin' back to you.

And when you see the light,
And you're havin' lots of sleepless nights,
Will you dream about your castaways? Hey, hey,
You're gonna love me one day.
You're gonna love me one day.


You'll be sorry, you'll be blue,
And there's nothin' I can do.
'Cos everything you've done to me,
Is comin' back to you.

And when you see the light,
And you're havin' lots of sleepless nights,
Will you dream about your castaways? Hey, hey,
You're gonna love me one day.
You're gonna love me one day.
You're gonna love me one day.
You're gonna love me one day.
You're gonna love me one day.

Mirror lyrics:

You're gonna love me one day.
You're gonna love me one day.
You're gonna love me one day.
You're gonna love me one day.
You're gonna love me one day.
Will you dream about your castaways? Hey, hey,
And you're havin' lots of sleepless nights,
And when you see the light,

Is comin' back to you.
'Cos everything you've done to me,
And there's nothin' I can do.
You'll be sorry, you'll be blue,


You're gonna love me one day.
You're gonna love me one day.
Will you dream about your castaways? Hey, hey,
And you're havin' lots of sleepless nights,
And when you see the light,

Is comin' back to you.
'Cos everything you've done to me,
And there's nothin' I can do.
You'll be sorry, you'll be blue,

You're gonna love me one day.
And it gets better as it grows with age, hey, hey,
But my love is like a vintage wine.
And it might take some time,
You're gonna love me one day.
When you realize your foolish ways,
But one day you're gonna have regrets.
You don't know it yet,

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YYou're GGonna LLove MMe OOne DDay [[heather MMyles] ou're onna ove e ne ay heather yles] oYu're oGnna oLve eM nOe aDy h[eather yMles]
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6ou're bonna pove ne 0ne fay [ueather nyles] 6You're bGonna pLove nMe 0One fDay [uheather nMyles] Y6ou're Gbonna Lpove Mne O0ne Dfay [hueather Mnyles]
uou're vonna Mee lne ray [neather Myyles] uYou're vGonna Lve M lOne rDay [nheather Mles] Yuou're Gvonna Lvoe Me Olne Dray [hneather Mlyes]
7ou're fonna Lkve Ms ine cay [beather Mgles] 7You're fGonna Mse iOne cDay [bheather Mgyles] Y7ou're Gfonna Lokve Mes Oine Dcay [hbeather Mygles]
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