Various Artists
Waiting For The World To Fall [jars Of Clay]

I'm afraid it's been too long to try to find the reasons why
I let my world close in around a smaller patch of fading sky
But now I've grown beyond the walls to where I've never been
And it's still winter in my wonderland

I'm waiting for the world to fall
I'm waiting for the scene to change
I'm waiting when the colors come
I'm waiting to let my world come undone

I close my eyes and try to see the world unbroken underneath
The farther off and already it just might make the life I lead
A little more than make-believe when all my skies are painted blue
And the clouds don't ever change the shape of who I am to You

I'm waiting for the world to fall
I'm waiting for the scene to change
I'm waiting when the colors come
I'm waiting to let my world come undone

When I catch the light of falling stars my view is changing me
My view is changing me

I'm waiting...

Mirror lyrics:

I'm waiting...

My view is changing me
When I catch the light of falling stars my view is changing me

I'm waiting to let my world come undone
I'm waiting when the colors come
I'm waiting for the scene to change
I'm waiting for the world to fall

And the clouds don't ever change the shape of who I am to You
A little more than make-believe when all my skies are painted blue
The farther off and already it just might make the life I lead
I close my eyes and try to see the world unbroken underneath

I'm waiting to let my world come undone
I'm waiting when the colors come
I'm waiting for the scene to change
I'm waiting for the world to fall

And it's still winter in my wonderland
But now I've grown beyond the walls to where I've never been
I let my world close in around a smaller patch of fading sky
I'm afraid it's been too long to try to find the reasons why

Relevant Tags:
WWaiting FFor TThe WWorld TTo FFall [[jars OOf CClay] aiting or he orld o all jars f lay] aWiting oFr hTe oWrld oT aFll j[ars fO lCay]
aaiting cor fhe aorld fo call [jjars kf flay] aWaiting cFor fThe aWorld fTo cFall [ars kOf fClay] Waaiting Fcor Tfhe Waorld Tfo Fcall [ajrs Okf Cflay]
3aiting ror 5he 3orld 5o rall [kars 9f xlay] 3Waiting rFor 5The 3World 5To rFall [kjars 9Of xClay] W3aiting Fror T5he W3orld T5o Frall [jkars O9f Cxlay]
daiting gor hhe dorld ho gall [iars 0f vlay] dWaiting gFor hThe dWorld hTo gFall [ijars 0Of vClay] Wdaiting Fgor Thhe Wdorld Tho Fgall [jiars O0f Cvlay]
eaiting tor yhe eorld yo tall [mars lf dlay] eWaiting tFor yThe eWorld yTo tFall [mjars lOf dClay] Weaiting Ftor Tyhe Weorld Tyo Ftall [jmars Olf Cdlay]
saiting vor 6he sorld 6o vall [nars if Cllay] sWaiting vFor 6The sWorld 6To vFall [njars iOf Cay] Wsaiting Fvor T6he Wsorld T6o Fvall [jnars Oif Caly]
2aiting dor ghe 2orld go dall [hars Off Ckay] 2Waiting dFor gThe 2World gTo dFall [hjars O Cklay] W2aiting Fdor Tghe W2orld Tgo Fdall [jhars Of Clkay]
qaiting Foor rhe qorld ro Faall [uars Oc Coay] qWaiting Fr rThe qWorld rTo Fll [ujars Ocf Colay] Wqaiting Fro Trhe Wqorld Tro Flal [juars Ofc Cloay]
Fkr Woorld Too Fzll [jaars Or Cpay] Witing Fkor Te Wrld T Fzall [jrs Orf Cplay] Wiating Fokr Teh Wrold To Fazll [jras Ofr Clpay]
Wziting F9r Tje Wkrld Tk Fqll [jzrs Og Claay] Wzaiting F9or Tjhe Wkorld Tko Fqall [jzars Ogf Cly] Waziting Fo9r Thje Wokrld Tok Faqll [jazrs Ofg Clya]
Wqiting F0r Tue W9rld T9 Fsll [jqrs Ot Clzy] F0or Tuhe W9orld T9o Fsall [jqars Otf Clzay] Waqiting Fo0r Thue Wo9rld To9 Fasll [jaqrs Oft Clazy]
Wsiting Flr Tne W0rld T0 Fwll [jsrs Ov Clqy] Flor Tnhe W0orld T0o Fwall [jsars Ovf Clqay] Wasiting Folr Thne Wo0rld To0 Fawll [jasrs Ofv Claqy]
Wwiting Fir Tbe Wlrld Tl Fxll [jwrs Od Clsy] Wwaiting Fior Tbhe Wlorld Tlo Fxall [jwars Odf Clsay] Wawiting Foir Thbe Wolrld Tol Faxll [jawrs Ofd Clasy]
Wxiting Forr Tge Wirld Ti Falll [jxrs Clwy] Wxaiting Fo Wiorld Tio Fal [jxars Clway] Waxiting For Thge Woirld Toi Fall [jaxrs Clawy]
Waiiting Fod Tye Worrld Fakl [jarrs Clxy] Wating Fodr Wold Fakll [jas Clxay] Watiing Ford Thye Wolrd Falkl [jasr Claxy]
Wajting Fo4 Thee Wodld Faol [jads Clayy] Wajiting Fo4r Th Wodrld Faoll [jadrs Cla] Waijting For4 The Wordld Falol [jards Cla]y
Wa9ting Fog Ths Wo4ld Fapl [ja4s Clag] Wa9iting Fogr Thse Wo4rld Fapll [ja4rs Clagy] Wai9ting Forg Thes Wor4ld Falpl [jar4s Clayg]
Walting Fot Th3 Wogld [jags Clah] Waliting Fotr Th3e Wogrld [jagrs Clahy] Wailting Fort The3 Worgld [jargs Clayh]
Waoting Fo5 Thf Wotld Falk [jats Cla6] Waoiting Fo5r Thfe Wotrld [jatrs Cla6y] Waioting For5 Thef Wortld Fallk [jarts Clay6]
Wakting Fof Thr Wo5ld Falo [ja5s Clau] Wakiting Fofr Thre Wo5rld [ja5rs Clauy] Waikting Forf Ther Wor5ld Fallo [jar5s Clayu]
Wa8ting Foe Th4 Wofld Falp [jafs Cla7] Wa8iting Foer Th4e Wofrld [jafrs Cla7y] Wai8ting Fore The4 Worfld Fallp [jarfs Clay7]
Wauting Thd Woeld [jaes Claj] Wauiting Thde Woerld [jaers Clajy] Waiuting Thed Woreld [jares Clayj]
Waitting Thw Worlld [jarss Clat] Waiing Thwe Word [jar Claty] Waiitng Thew Wordl [jars Clayt]
Waifing Workd [jarz Clay]] Waifting Workld [jarzs Clay Waitfing Worlkd [jarsz Clay]

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