Various Artists
The Pointer Sisters Jump (for My Love)

Your eyes tell me how you love me
Can feel it in your heart beat
I know you like what you see
Hold me, I'll give that you need
Wrap your love around me
You're so excited, I can feel you
Getting hotter, oh baby
I'll take you down, I'll take you down
Where no one's ever gone before
And if you want more, if you want more
More, more, more

Jump for my love
Jump in and feel my touch
Jump you want to taste my kisses
In the night then

Jump, jump for my love
Jump, I know my heart can make you happy
Jump in, you know these arms
Can feel you up
Jump, you want to taste my kisses
In the night then
Jump, jump for my love

You told me, I'm the only woman for you
Nobody does you like I do
Then make a move before you try and
Go much farther, oh baby
You're the one, you, you are the one
And heaven waits here at my door
And if you want more,
If you want more, more, more then
When you are next to me, oh I come alive

Your love burns inside
Feels so right
Come to me if you want me tonight jump
Jump if you want to taste my kisses
In the night then
Jump, jump, jump
Jump, you know my heart can
Make you happy
Jump, you know theese arms can feel you up
Jump in, you want to taste my kisses
In the night then
Jump, jump for my love

Mirror lyrics:

Jump, jump for my love
In the night then
Jump in, you want to taste my kisses
Jump, you know theese arms can feel you up
Make you happy
Jump, you know my heart can
Jump, jump, jump
In the night then
Jump if you want to taste my kisses
Come to me if you want me tonight jump
Feels so right
Your love burns inside

When you are next to me, oh I come alive
If you want more, more, more then
And if you want more,
And heaven waits here at my door
You're the one, you, you are the one
Go much farther, oh baby
Then make a move before you try and
Nobody does you like I do
You told me, I'm the only woman for you

Jump, jump for my love
In the night then
Jump, you want to taste my kisses
Can feel you up
Jump in, you know these arms
Jump, I know my heart can make you happy
Jump, jump for my love

In the night then
Jump you want to taste my kisses
Jump in and feel my touch
Jump for my love

More, more, more
And if you want more, if you want more
Where no one's ever gone before
I'll take you down, I'll take you down
Getting hotter, oh baby
You're so excited, I can feel you
Wrap your love around me
Hold me, I'll give that you need
I know you like what you see
Can feel it in your heart beat
Your eyes tell me how you love me

Relevant Tags:
TThe PPointer SSisters JJump ((for MMy LLove) he ointer isters ump for y ove) hTe oPinter iSsters uJmp f(or yM oLve)
fhe 0ointer zisters kump (ffor jy kove) fThe 0Pointer zSisters kJump (or jMy kLove) Tfhe P0ointer Szisters Jkump (ofr Mjy Lkove)
5he lointer wisters iump (cor ky oove) 5The lPointer wSisters iJump (cfor kMy oLove) T5he Plointer Swisters Jiump (fcor Mky Loove)
hhe oointer disters mump (ror ny pove) hThe oPointer dSisters mJump (rfor nMy pLove) Thhe Poointer Sdisters Jmump (fror Mny Lpove)
yhe eisters nump (gor Myy yThe Pinter eSisters nJump (gfor M Lve) Tyhe Pionter Seisters Jnump (fgor My Lvoe)
6he Pkinter xisters hump (tor Mg Lkve) 6The Pkointer xSisters hJump (tfor Mgy T6he Pokinter Sxisters Jhump (ftor Myg Lokve)
ghe P9inter aisters uump (vor Mh L9ve) gThe P9ointer aSisters uJump (vfor Mhy L9ove) Tghe Po9inter Saisters Juump (fvor Myh Lo9ve)
rhe P0inter Siisters (dor M6 L0ve) rThe Ssters Jmp (dfor M6y L0ove) Trhe Po0inter Ssiters Jmup (fdor My6 Lo0ve)
Plinter Sjsters Jhmp (foor Mu Llve) Te Sjisters (fr Muy Llove) Teh Polinter Sijsters Juhmp (fro Myu Lolve)
Tje Piinter S9sters J7mp (fkr M7 Live) Tjhe Piointer S9isters J7ump (fkor M7y Liove) Thje Poiinter Si9sters Ju7mp (fokr My7 Loive)
Tue Slsters Jkmp (f9r Mj Lovve) Tuhe Ponter Slisters (f9or Loe) Thue Poniter Silsters Jukmp (fo9r Myj Loev)
Tne Pojnter Sosters Jimp (f0r Mt Lobe) Tnhe Pojinter Soisters (f0or Mty Lobve) Thne Poijnter Siosters Juimp (fo0r Myt Lovbe)
Tbe Po9nter Sksters J8mp (flr Loce) Tbhe Skisters J8ump (flor Locve) Thbe Poi9nter Siksters Ju8mp (folr Lovce)
Tge Polnter S8sters Jjmp (fir Loge) S8isters Jjump (fior Logve) Thge Poilnter Si8sters Jujmp (foir Lovge)
Tye Poonter Susters Jymp (forr Lofe) Suisters Jyump (fo Lofve) Thye Poionter Siusters Juymp (for Lovfe)
Thee Poknter Sissters Jummp (fod Lovee) Th Siters Jup (fodr Lov) The Poiknter Sitsers Jupm (ford Lov)e
Ths Po8nter Sizters Jujp (fo4 Lovs) Thse Po8inter Sizsters (fo4r Lovse) Thes Poi8nter Siszters Jumjp (for4 Loves)
Th3 Pounter Siwters Jukp (fog Lov3) Th3e Pouinter Siwsters (fogr Lov3e) The3 Poiunter Siswters Jumkp (forg Love3)
Thf Poinnter Sidters Junp (fot Lovf) Thfe Poiter Sidsters Junmp (fotr Thef Poitner Sisdters Jumnp (fort Lovef)
Thr Poimter Sieters Jumpp (fo5 Lovr) Thre Poimnter Siesters Jum (fo5r Lovre) Ther Poinmter Siseters Jump (for5 Lover)
Th4 Poihter Sixters Jum0 (fof Lov4) Th4e Poihnter Sixsters Jum0p (fofr Lov4e) The4 Poinhter Sisxters Jump0 (forf Love4)
Thd Poijter Siaters Juml (foe Lovd) Thde Siasters Jumlp (foer Lovde) Thed Poinjter Sisaters Jumpl (fore Loved)
Thw Poibter Sistters Jumo Lovw) Thwe Poibnter Sisers Jumop Lovwe) Thew Poinbter Sisetrs Jumpo Lovew)
Pointter Sisfers Love)) Poiner Sisfters Love Poinetr Sistfers Love)
Poinfer Sis5ers Poinfter Sis5ters Pointfer Sist5ers

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