Various Artists
The Polar Express

[Tom Hanks - The Polar Express]

All aboard! All aboard!
Tickets please, tickets
Well, you coming?

It's a magic carpet on a rail
Never takes a rest
Flying through the mountains and the snow
Ride for free and join the fun
(You can ride for free)
If you just say yes!
Cause that's the way things happen
On the Polar Express
You bet!

Wooo wooo the whistle blows
That's the sound of her singing
Ding ding the bell will ring
Golly look at her go!

You wonder if you'll get there soon
Anybody's guess
Cause that's the way things happen
On the Polar Express

When we get there we'll scream “Yes!” (Yeah)
We'll arrive with a bang bang bang
boom boom boom
Laughing all the way!

It's a choo choo with a stunning view
That rivals all the best
But you won't see it advertised
It's a simple fact we stay on track
Though sometimes we digress
But that can only happen on the Polar Express

Hiss hiss the steam hisses
That's the sound of her breathing
Clang clang the boiler bangs
What a wonderful show!

With a comfy seat and lots to eat
Boy is this the best!
Wish it wouldn't ever have to end
With a little luck we'll be on time
There's no need to stress
Cause that's the way things happen
On the Polar Express

Lights are gleaming far across the snow
You're not dreaming
May I present the North Pole!
If it's penguins you expect to view
You surely haven't guessed
They all live down at the other end

With a little luck we'll be on time
There's no need to stress
Cause that's the way things happen
On the Polar Express

Boom boom the whistle blows
That's the sound of her singing
Ding ding the bell will ring
Golly look at her go!
If you want to join us come along
I'll check my manifest
Cause that's the way things happen
On the Polar Express

When we get there we'll scream “Yes!” (Yeah)
We'll arrive with a bang bang bang boom boom boom
Laughing all the way
If you want to join us come along
You can be our guest
Cause that's the way things happen
On the roller coaster the Polar Express
Next stop One Hundred and Thirteen Forty-Four
Edbrook Avenue
Next stop One Hundred and Thirteen Forty-Four
Edbrook Avenue

Ahh ahhh ahh that is not a toy young man
That is not a toy
Take your seats please
Take your seats

Mirror lyrics:

Take your seats
Take your seats please
That is not a toy
Ahh ahhh ahh that is not a toy young man

Edbrook Avenue
Next stop One Hundred and Thirteen Forty-Four
Edbrook Avenue
Next stop One Hundred and Thirteen Forty-Four
On the roller coaster the Polar Express
Cause that's the way things happen
You can be our guest
If you want to join us come along
Laughing all the way
We'll arrive with a bang bang bang boom boom boom
When we get there we'll scream “Yes!” (Yeah)

On the Polar Express
Cause that's the way things happen
I'll check my manifest
If you want to join us come along
Golly look at her go!
Ding ding the bell will ring
That's the sound of her singing
Boom boom the whistle blows

On the Polar Express
Cause that's the way things happen
There's no need to stress
With a little luck we'll be on time

They all live down at the other end
You surely haven't guessed
If it's penguins you expect to view
May I present the North Pole!
You're not dreaming
Lights are gleaming far across the snow

On the Polar Express
Cause that's the way things happen
There's no need to stress
With a little luck we'll be on time
Wish it wouldn't ever have to end
Boy is this the best!
With a comfy seat and lots to eat

What a wonderful show!
Clang clang the boiler bangs
That's the sound of her breathing
Hiss hiss the steam hisses

But that can only happen on the Polar Express
Though sometimes we digress
It's a simple fact we stay on track
But you won't see it advertised
That rivals all the best
It's a choo choo with a stunning view

Laughing all the way!
boom boom boom
We'll arrive with a bang bang bang
When we get there we'll scream “Yes!” (Yeah)

On the Polar Express
Cause that's the way things happen
Anybody's guess
You wonder if you'll get there soon

Golly look at her go!
Ding ding the bell will ring
That's the sound of her singing
Wooo wooo the whistle blows

You bet!
On the Polar Express
Cause that's the way things happen
If you just say yes!
(You can ride for free)
Ride for free and join the fun
Flying through the mountains and the snow
Never takes a rest
It's a magic carpet on a rail

Well, you coming?
Tickets please, tickets
All aboard! All aboard!

[Tom Hanks - The Polar Express]

Relevant Tags:
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5he lolar 3xpress 5The lPolar 3Express T5he Plolar E3xpress hhe oolar fxpress hThe oPolar fExpress Thhe Poolar Efxpress
yhe rxpress yThe Plar rExpress Tyhe Ploar Erxpress 6he Pklar 4xpress 6The Pkolar 4Express T6he Poklar E4xpress
ghe P9lar dxpress gThe P9olar dExpress Tghe Po9lar Edxpress rhe P0lar wxpress rThe wExpress Trhe Po0lar Ewxpress
Pllar Exxpress Te Epress Teh Pollar Epxress Tje Pilar Edpress Tjhe Piolar Thje Poilar Exdpress
Tue Ezpress Tuhe Poar Ezxpress Thue Poalr Exzpress Tne Pokar Ecpress Tnhe Ecxpress Thne Polkar Excpress
Tbe Pooar Espress Tbhe Thbe Poloar Exspress Tge Popar Exppress Poplar Exress Thge Polpar Exrpess
Tye Polaar Ex0ress Polr Ex0press Thye Polra Exp0ress Thee Polzr Exlress Th Polzar Exlpress The Polazr Explress
Ths Polqr Exoress Thse Polqar Exopress Thes Polaqr Exporess Th3 Polsr Exprress Th3e Polsar Expess The3 Polasr Experss
Thf Polwr Expdess Thfe Polwar Expdress Thef Polawr Exprdess Thr Polxr Exp4ess Thre Polxar Exp4ress Ther Polaxr Expr4ess
Th4 Polarr Expgess

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