Various Artists
Tegan And Sarah Love Type Thing [live On Show]

My shirt tucked out
And your hands tucked in
When dark things come calling
They want you to hear
Sweet humming underground sleepless and tired
A love type thing
A sure type thing

Keep your ears wide open
For the sound of the door
If they want you, they'll take you
And that is for sure
Sweet humming underground sleepless and sore
A love type thing
A sure type thing
Oh it's a love type thing
A sure type thing

Mirror lyrics:

A sure type thing
Oh it's a love type thing
A sure type thing
A love type thing
Sweet humming underground sleepless and sore
And that is for sure
If they want you, they'll take you
For the sound of the door
Keep your ears wide open

A sure type thing
A love type thing
Sweet humming underground sleepless and tired
They want you to hear
When dark things come calling
And your hands tucked in
My shirt tucked out

Relevant Tags:
TTegan AAnd SSarah LLove TType TThing [[live OOn SShow] egan nd arah ove ype hing live n how] eTgan nAd aSrah oLve yTpe hTing l[ive nO hSow]
fegan znd zarah kove fype fhing [llive kn zhow] fTegan zAnd zSarah kLove fType fThing [ive kOn zShow] Tfegan Aznd Szarah Lkove Tfype Tfhing [ilve Okn Szhow]
5egan qnd warah oove 5ype 5hing [kive 9n whow] 5Tegan qAnd wSarah oLove 5Type 5Thing [klive 9On wShow] T5egan Aqnd Swarah Loove T5ype T5hing [lkive O9n Swhow]
hegan snd darah pove hype hhing [oive 0n dhow] hTegan sAnd dSarah pLove hType hThing [olive 0On dShow] Thegan Asnd Sdarah Lpove Thype Thhing [loive O0n Sdhow]
yegan wnd earah yype yhing [pive ln ehow] yTegan wAnd eSarah Lve yType yThing [plive lOn eShow] Tyegan Awnd Searah Lvoe Tyype Tyhing [lpive Oln Sehow]
6egan xnd xarah Lkve 6ype 6hing [liive in xhow] 6Tegan xAnd xSarah 6Type 6Thing [lve iOn xShow] T6egan Axnd Sxarah Lokve T6ype T6hing [lvie Oin Sxhow]
gegan Annd aarah L9ve gype ghing [ljve Onn ahow] gTegan Ad aSarah L9ove gType gThing [ljive O aShow] Tgegan Adn Saarah Lo9ve Tgype Tghing [lijve On Sahow]
regan Amd L0ve rype rhing [l9ve Om Shhow] rTegan Amnd Srah L0ove rType rThing [l9ive Omn Sow] Tregan Anmd Sraah Lo0ve Trype Trhing [li9ve Onm Sohw]
Teegan Ahd Szrah Llve [llve Oh Sjow] Tgan Ahnd Llove Tpe Ting Ohn Sjhow] Tgean Anhd Sazrah Lolve Tpye Tihng [lilve Onh Shjow]
Tsgan Ajd Sqrah Live Tgpe Tjing [love Oj Suow] Tsegan Ajnd Sqarah Liove Tjhing Ojn Suhow] Tesgan Anjd Saqrah Loive Tygpe Thjing [liove Onj Shuow]
T3gan Abd Ssrah Lovve Thpe Tuing [lkve Ob Snow] T3egan Abnd Ssarah Loe Tuhing Obn Snhow] Te3gan Anbd Sasrah Loev Tyhpe Thuing [likve Onb Shnow]
Tfgan Andd Swrah Lobe T6pe Tning [l8ve Sbow] An Lobve Tnhing [l8ive Sbhow] Tefgan And Sawrah Lovbe Ty6pe Thning [li8ve Shbow]
Trgan Anx Sxrah Loce Tupe Tbing [luve Sgow] Anxd Locve Tuype Tbhing [luive Sghow] Tergan Andx Saxrah Lovce Tyupe Thbing [liuve Shgow]
T4gan Ane Sarrah Loge T7pe Tging [livve Syow] T4egan Aned Saah Logve T7ype [lie Syhow] Te4gan Ande Saarh Lovge Ty7pe Thging [liev Shyow]
Tdgan Anf Sadah Lofe Tjpe Tying [libe Shoow] Tdegan Anfd Sadrah Lofve Tjype [libve Shw] Tedgan Andf Sardah Lovfe Tyjpe Thying [livbe Shwo]
Twgan Anr Sa4ah Lovee Ttpe Thiing [lice Shkw] Twegan Anrd Sa4rah Lov Ttype Thng [licve Shkow] Tewgan Andr Sar4ah Love Tytpe Thnig [livce Shokw]
Teggan Anc Sagah Lovs Typpe Thjng [lige Sh9w] Tean Ancd Sagrah Lovse Tye [ligve Sh9ow]

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