Long Wave Radio

The port is full three knots pushes on
A light signifies the channel
On a night so still
You keep me in the right direction
We can't drift to far away
Three knots pushes on
Up north the sea swells
The clear sky now turns grey
You keep me in the right direction
We can't drift to far away
This path, it's unavoidable
Any faster and we'd crash
Time dictates our progression
Even if i think it's speed
A time for everything
A time for everyone
Just not me

Mirror lyrics:

Just not me
A time for everyone
A time for everything
Even if i think it's speed
Time dictates our progression
Any faster and we'd crash
This path, it's unavoidable
We can't drift to far away
You keep me in the right direction
The clear sky now turns grey
Up north the sea swells
Three knots pushes on
We can't drift to far away
You keep me in the right direction
On a night so still
A light signifies the channel
The port is full three knots pushes on

Relevant Tags:
LLong WWave RRadio ong ave adio oLng aWve aRdio kong aave dadio kLong aWave dRadio Lkong Waave Rdadio oong 3ave 4adio
oLong 3Wave 4Radio Loong W3ave R4adio pong dave gadio pLong dWave gRadio Lpong Wdave Rgadio eave tadio Lng eWave tRadio
Lnog Weave Rtadio Lkng save 5adio sWave 5Radio Lokng Wsave R5adio L9ng 2ave fadio L9ong 2Wave fRadio Lo9ng W2ave Rfadio
L0ng qave eadio L0ong qWave eRadio Lo0ng Wqave Readio Llng Raadio Llong Wve Rdio Lolng Wvae Rdaio Ling Wzve Rzdio
Liong Wzave Rzadio Loing Wazve Razdio Lonng Wqve Rqdio Log Rqadio Logn Waqve Raqdio Lomg Wsve Rsdio Lomng Rsadio
Lonmg Wasve Rasdio Lohg Wwve Rwdio Lohng Wwave Rwadio Lonhg Wawve Rawdio Lojg Wxve Rxdio Lojng Wxave Rxadio Lonjg Waxve Raxdio
Lobg Wavve Raddio Lobng Wae Raio Lonbg Waev Raido Longg Wabe Raxio Lon Wabve Long Wavbe Radxio Lonh Wace Raeio

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