Grand Theft Auto

In this town
The blood will make you rich
Yeah, in this town
The blood will make you rich

In this town
I will do you one better
I'll change the truth
When I change the weather

In this town
The blood will make you rich

And when you're down
You can buy the Jesus pose
'Cause in this town
All roads lead to this

And when you're down
I will kill it again
I'll give ya something
To forget about him

In this town
All roads lead to this

And come tonight, yeah come tonight
We'll take a ride
And come tonight, yeah come tonight
We'll see the lights

You will lead and I will follow
You will lead me, down to the hollow
You will lead me down
Grand theft auto
You will lead me down

In this town
We have got the Midas touch
Yeah in this town
The gold will make you blush
Some of it's cooling
And some of it's glitters
All of it's cold
And it gives me the shivers

In this town we've got the Midas touch

And come tonight, yeah come tonight
We'll take a ride
And come tonight, yeah come tonight
We'll see the lights

You will lead and I will follow
You will lead me, down to the hollow
You will lead me down
Grand theft auto
You will lead me down

Mirror lyrics:

You will lead me down
Grand theft auto
You will lead me down
You will lead me, down to the hollow
You will lead and I will follow

We'll see the lights
And come tonight, yeah come tonight
We'll take a ride
And come tonight, yeah come tonight

In this town we've got the Midas touch

And it gives me the shivers
All of it's cold
And some of it's glitters
Some of it's cooling
The gold will make you blush
Yeah in this town
We have got the Midas touch
In this town

You will lead me down
Grand theft auto
You will lead me down
You will lead me, down to the hollow
You will lead and I will follow

We'll see the lights
And come tonight, yeah come tonight
We'll take a ride
And come tonight, yeah come tonight

All roads lead to this
In this town

To forget about him
I'll give ya something
I will kill it again
And when you're down

All roads lead to this
'Cause in this town
You can buy the Jesus pose
And when you're down

The blood will make you rich
In this town

When I change the weather
I'll change the truth
I will do you one better
In this town

The blood will make you rich
Yeah, in this town
The blood will make you rich
In this town

Relevant Tags:
GGrand TTheft AAuto rand heft uto rGand hTeft uAto hrand fheft zuto hGrand fTheft zAuto Ghrand Tfheft Azuto yrand 5heft quto
yGrand 5Theft qAuto Gyrand T5heft Aquto brand hheft suto bGrand hTheft sAuto Gbrand Thheft Asuto vrand yheft wuto vGrand yTheft wAuto
Gvrand Tyheft Awuto frand 6heft xuto fGrand 6Theft xAuto Gfrand T6heft Axuto trand gheft Auuto tGrand gTheft Ato Gtrand Tgheft Atuo
Grrand rheft Ahto Gand rTheft Ahuto Garnd Trheft Auhto Gdand A7to Gdrand Teft A7uto Grdand Tehft Au7to G4and Tjeft Akto
G4rand Tjheft Akuto Gr4and Thjeft Aukto Ggand Tueft Aito Ggrand Tuheft Aiuto Grgand Thueft Auito Gtand Tneft A8to Tnheft A8uto
Grtand Thneft Au8to G5and Tbeft Ajto G5rand Tbheft Ajuto Gr5and Thbeft Aujto Gfand Tgeft Ayto Ayuto Grfand Thgeft Auyto
Geand Tyeft Autto Gerand Auo Greand Thyeft Auot Graand Theeft Aufo Grnd Thft Aufto Grnad Thfet Autfo Grznd Thsft Au5o
Grzand Thseft Au5to Graznd Thesft Aut5o Grqnd Th3ft Auho

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