Long Time Here

If you want good times
I know where to look
And if you want good times I will

They're thrown on your bed
With your junkyard religion
At the best of the western motels

Thrown with the pawns
And the hardscrabble rooks
Thrown with our ransom of kings

But if you want goodtimes
I know where to look
And I know it's goodtimes you want

Long time here X2
I'll keep you around
Holding this ground
I'll keep you a long time here

In 24 hours
We could be in Vegas
Where the heat is a possible friend

Where snake eyes and boxcars
Could wet down your whistle
And steal all the noise from your head

But your hell is hotter
Then the typical thirst
And in Vegas the ice is not cheap

And heaven's a backroom
Where the gamblin' don't finish
And you keep makin' the same mistakes

Long time here X2
I'll keep you around
Holding this ground
I'll keep you a long . . . .

Long time here X4
I'll keep you around
Holding this ground
I'll keep you a long time here

Mirror lyrics:

I'll keep you a long time here
Holding this ground
I'll keep you around
Long time here X4

I'll keep you a long . . . .
Holding this ground
I'll keep you around
Long time here X2

And you keep makin' the same mistakes
Where the gamblin' don't finish
And heaven's a backroom

And in Vegas the ice is not cheap
Then the typical thirst
But your hell is hotter

And steal all the noise from your head
Could wet down your whistle
Where snake eyes and boxcars

Where the heat is a possible friend
We could be in Vegas
In 24 hours

I'll keep you a long time here
Holding this ground
I'll keep you around
Long time here X2

And I know it's goodtimes you want
I know where to look
But if you want goodtimes

Thrown with our ransom of kings
And the hardscrabble rooks
Thrown with the pawns

At the best of the western motels
With your junkyard religion
They're thrown on your bed

And if you want good times I will
I know where to look
If you want good times

Relevant Tags:
LLong TTime HHere ong ime ere oLng iTme eHre kong fime jere kLong fTime jHere Lkong Tfime Hjere oong 5ime uere oLong 5Time uHere
Loong T5ime Huere pong hime nere pLong hTime nHere Lpong Thime Hnere yime bere Lng yTime bHere Lnog Tyime Hbere Lkng 6ime gere
6Time gHere Lokng T6ime Hgere L9ng gime yere L9ong gTime yHere Lo9ng Tgime Hyere L0ng rime Heere L0ong rTime Hre Lo0ng Trime Hree
Llng Tiime Hsre Llong Tme Hsere Lolng Tmie Hesre Ling Tjme H3re Liong Tjime H3ere Loing Tijme He3re Lonng T9me Hfre Log T9ime Hfere
Logn Ti9me Hefre Lomg Tlme Hrre Lomng Tlime Hrere Lonmg Tilme Herre Lohg Tome H4re Lohng Toime H4ere Lonhg Tiome He4re Lojg Tkme Hdre
Lojng Tkime Hdere Lonjg Tikme Hedre

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