Feel Like Going Home

Lord, I feel like going home
I've tried and I fell and I'm tired and weary
Everything I've done is wrong
And I feel like going home

Lord, I tried to see you through
But it was too much for me
Now I'm coming home to you
Yeah, I feel like going home

Clouded skies are closing in
And not a friend around to help me
Of all the places I've been
Lord, I feel like going home

Lord, I feel like going home
I've tried and I fell and I'm tired and weary
Everything I've done is wrong
Lord, I feel like going home

Lord, I tried to see you through
But it was too much for me
Now I'm coming home to you
Yes, I feel like going home

Lord, I feel like going home
I've tried and I fell and I'm tired and weary
Everything I've done is wrong
Lord, I feel like going home

Mirror lyrics:

Lord, I feel like going home
Everything I've done is wrong
I've tried and I fell and I'm tired and weary
Lord, I feel like going home

Yes, I feel like going home
Now I'm coming home to you
But it was too much for me
Lord, I tried to see you through

Lord, I feel like going home
Everything I've done is wrong
I've tried and I fell and I'm tired and weary
Lord, I feel like going home

Lord, I feel like going home
Of all the places I've been
And not a friend around to help me
Clouded skies are closing in

Yeah, I feel like going home
Now I'm coming home to you
But it was too much for me
Lord, I tried to see you through

And I feel like going home
Everything I've done is wrong
I've tried and I fell and I'm tired and weary
Lord, I feel like going home

Relevant Tags:
FFeel LLike GGoing HHome eel ike oing ome eFel iLke oGing oHme ceel kike hoing jome cFeel kLike hGoing jHome Fceel Lkike Ghoing Hjome
reel oike yoing uome rFeel oLike yGoing uHome Freel Loike Gyoing Huome geel pike boing nome gFeel pLike bGoing nHome Fgeel Lpike Gboing Hnome
teel Liike voing bome tFeel Lke vGoing bHome Fteel Lkie Gvoing Hbome veel Ljke foing gome vFeel Ljike fGoing gHome Fveel Lijke Gfoing Hgome
deel L9ke toing yome dFeel L9ike tGoing yHome Fdeel Li9ke Gtoing Hyome Feeel Llke Gooing Hoome Fel Llike Ging Hme Feel Lilke Giong Hmoe
Fsel Loke Gking Hkme Fseel Gkoing Hkome Fesel Lioke Goking Hokme F3el Lkke G9ing H9me F3eel G9oing H9ome Fe3el Likke Go9ing Ho9me
Ffel L8ke G0ing H0me Ffeel L8ike G0oing H0ome Fefel Li8ke Go0ing Ho0me Frel Luke Gling Hlme Luike Gloing Hlome Ferel Liuke Goling Holme
F4el Giing Hime F4eel Lie Gioing Hiome Fe4el Liek Goiing Hoime Fdel Lile Homme Gong Hoe Fedel Likle Gonig Hoem
Fwel Lioe Gojng Hoje Fweel Gojing Hojme Fewel Likoe Goijng Homje Lime Go9ng Hoke

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