Waking Judea
Blood Of A Thousand

Hooks sink into weary skin.
Ancient hands grasp revelation.
With the obscure examination of a somber h eart,
we consecrate this crucifixion.
Lifes comforts shall pass away.
Carried with the acrid smoke of those who died,
withering forms set to flame.
I breathe in spirits like fire.
This smile has become a cross,
one i will no longer bear for you.
They who steal the arteries from our extremities we
follow into the organic phenomenon.
When the flesh extends and you hear the rupturing of
my carpus. There are no excuses for why i am here.
For what i am about to participate in.
i see now that maybe we were never meant to know what
comes next. This is what we'll see at the end.
This is what we are in the end.

Mirror lyrics:

This is what we are in the end.
comes next. This is what we'll see at the end.
i see now that maybe we were never meant to know what
For what i am about to participate in.
my carpus. There are no excuses for why i am here.
When the flesh extends and you hear the rupturing of
follow into the organic phenomenon.
They who steal the arteries from our extremities we
one i will no longer bear for you.
This smile has become a cross,
I breathe in spirits like fire.
withering forms set to flame.
Carried with the acrid smoke of those who died,
Lifes comforts shall pass away.
we consecrate this crucifixion.
With the obscure examination of a somber h eart,
Ancient hands grasp revelation.
Hooks sink into weary skin.

Relevant Tags:
BBlood OOf AA TThousand lood f housand lBood fO A hTousand vlood kf z fhousand vBlood kOf zA fThousand Bvlood Okf Az Tfhousand
glood 9f q 5housand gBlood 9Of qA 5Thousand Bglood O9f Aq T5housand nlood 0f s hhousand nBlood 0Of sA hThousand Bnlood O0f As Thhousand
hlood lf w yhousand hBlood lOf wA yThousand Bhlood Olf Aw Tyhousand Bllood if x 6housand Bood iOf xA 6Thousand Bolod Oif Ax T6housand
Bkood Off ghousand Bklood O gThousand Blkood Of Tghousand Boood Oc rhousand Bolood Ocf rThousand Bloood Ofc Trhousand
Bpood Or Bplood Orf Tousand Blpood Ofr Tohusand Og Tjousand Blod Ogf Tjhousand Blood Ofg Thjousand
Blkod Ot Tuousand Otf Tuhousand Blokod Oft Thuousand Bl9od Ov Tnousand Bl9ood Ovf Tnhousand Blo9od Ofv Thnousand
Bl0od Od Tbousand Bl0ood Odf Tbhousand Blo0od Ofd Thbousand Bllod Tgousand Blolod Thgousand Bliod Tyousand
Bliood Bloiod Thyousand Thoousand Thusand Blodo Thuosand Blokd Thkusand
Thkousand Blookd Thokusand Blo9d Th9usand Th9ousand Bloo9d Tho9usand Blo0d Th0usand
Th0ousand Bloo0d Tho0usand Blold Thlusand Thlousand Bloold Tholusand Bloid Thiusand
Thiousand Blooid Thoiusand Bloodd Thouusand Bloo Thosand Thosuand Bloox Thohsand
Blooxd Thohusand Bloodx Thouhsand Blooe Tho7sand Blooed Tho7usand Bloode Thou7sand Bloof Thoksand
Bloofd Bloodf Thouksand Bloor Thoisand

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