The Neverending

Burns my body - Bleeding
Scorns me from inside out
And those thousand faces
Memories that I hide

Feel it carving the surface
Drilling through your mind
And it make you sceptic
Voices that I hide

It's running in your veins
The poisonous - The bottom-close
You see it when you're awake
You sense it while you're asleep
It's whispering your name
It haunts your head - It never sleeps
You wonder if it's real - The neverending pain

Piercing through my brain
Scorching through my mind
Never realised
What you've done inside

[Solos: Luttinen]

Mirror lyrics:

[Solos: Luttinen]

What you've done inside
Never realised
Scorching through my mind
Piercing through my brain

You wonder if it's real - The neverending pain
It haunts your head - It never sleeps
It's whispering your name
You sense it while you're asleep
You see it when you're awake
The poisonous - The bottom-close
It's running in your veins

Voices that I hide
And it make you sceptic
Drilling through your mind
Feel it carving the surface

Memories that I hide
And those thousand faces
Scorns me from inside out
Burns my body - Bleeding

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