
Tell your conscience that
It's too late and that
Understand if
Time is walking out
If you scream and shout
They won't hear you

And it's enough
And i've too much
To give away
For you today

Have you ever felt
Like there's just no help
Time's a changing fast
If you scream and shout
Yeah there is no doubt
They won't hear you

And it's enough
And i've too much
To give away
For you today
The past is old
My time is now
And if you call
You'll hear me howl

What makes you smile
Now time ticks clockwise
And I see the stars
In your eyes

What makes you bow
As ten thousand people
Do stand around
In your own crowd

I told them all
Not to make a sound
But to act tall and proud

It's enough
And i've too much
To give away
For you today
The past is old
My time is now
And if you call
You'll hear me howl

Mirror lyrics:

You'll hear me howl
And if you call
My time is now
The past is old
For you today
To give away
And i've too much
It's enough

But to act tall and proud
Not to make a sound
I told them all

In your own crowd
Do stand around
As ten thousand people
What makes you bow

In your eyes
And I see the stars
Now time ticks clockwise
What makes you smile

You'll hear me howl
And if you call
My time is now
The past is old
For you today
To give away
And i've too much
And it's enough

They won't hear you
Yeah there is no doubt
If you scream and shout
Time's a changing fast
Like there's just no help
Have you ever felt

For you today
To give away
And i've too much
And it's enough

They won't hear you
If you scream and shout
Time is walking out
Understand if
It's too late and that
Tell your conscience that

Relevant Tags:
EEnough nough nEough snough sEnough Esnough 3nough 3Enough E3nough fnough fEnough
Efnough rnough rEnough Ernough 4nough 4Enough E4nough dnough dEnough Ednough wnough
wEnough Ewnough Ennough Eough Eonugh Emough Emnough Enmough Ehough Ehnough Enhough
Ejough Ejnough Enjough Ebough Ebnough Enbough Enoough Enugh Enuogh Enkugh Enkough
Enokugh En9ugh En9ough Eno9ugh En0ugh En0ough Eno0ugh Enlugh Enlough Enolugh Eniugh
Eniough Enoiugh Enouugh

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