Various Artists
Poor Fool, He Makes Me Laugh Il Muto

They say that this youth has set my Lady's heart aflame!
His Lordship, sure, would die of shock
His Lordship is a laughing-stock!
Should he suspect her, God protect her!
Shame! Shame! Shame!
This faithless lady's bound for HADES!
Shame! Shame!! Shame!

Serafimo - your disguise is perfect.
Who can this be?

Gentle wife, admit your loving husband.

My love - I am called to England on affairs of State,
And must leave you with your new maid.
Though I'd happily take the maid with me.

The old fool's leaving!

Serafimo - away with this pretence!
You cannot speak, but kiss me in my husband's absence!

Poor fool, he makes me laugh!
Haha, Haha...
Time I tried to get a better better half!
Poor fool, he doesn't know!
Hoho, Hoho...
If he knew the truth, he'd never, ever go!


Did I not instruct that Box Five was to be kept empty?

Meg Giry:
He's here; the Phantom of the Opera ...

It's him

Your part is silent, little toad!

A toad, madame? Perhaps it is you who are the toad ...

Serafimo, away with this pretence!
You cannot speak, but kiss me in my ...
Poor fool, he makes me laugh -


Croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak

Ladies and gentlemen, we apologize, the performance will continue in ten minutes' time ...
... when the role of the Countess will be played by Miss Christine Daae.

Meanwhile, we'd like to give you the ballet from Act Three of tonight's opera.

Are you alright?

Raoul, we're not safe here

Ladies and gentlemen, please remain in your seats.
Do not panic.

It was an accident ... simply an accident

Mirror lyrics:

It was an accident ... simply an accident

Do not panic.
Ladies and gentlemen, please remain in your seats.

Raoul, we're not safe here

Are you alright?

Meanwhile, we'd like to give you the ballet from Act Three of tonight's opera.

... when the role of the Countess will be played by Miss Christine Daae.
Ladies and gentlemen, we apologize, the performance will continue in ten minutes' time ...

Croak, croak, croak, croak, croak, croak


Poor fool, he makes me laugh -
You cannot speak, but kiss me in my ...
Serafimo, away with this pretence!

A toad, madame? Perhaps it is you who are the toad ...

Your part is silent, little toad!

It's him

He's here; the Phantom of the Opera ...
Meg Giry:

Did I not instruct that Box Five was to be kept empty?


If he knew the truth, he'd never, ever go!
Hoho, Hoho...
Poor fool, he doesn't know!
Time I tried to get a better better half!
Haha, Haha...
Poor fool, he makes me laugh!

You cannot speak, but kiss me in my husband's absence!
Serafimo - away with this pretence!

The old fool's leaving!

Though I'd happily take the maid with me.
And must leave you with your new maid.
My love - I am called to England on affairs of State,

Gentle wife, admit your loving husband.

Who can this be?
Serafimo - your disguise is perfect.

Shame! Shame!! Shame!
This faithless lady's bound for HADES!
Shame! Shame! Shame!
Should he suspect her, God protect her!
His Lordship is a laughing-stock!
His Lordship, sure, would die of shock
They say that this youth has set my Lady's heart aflame!

Relevant Tags:
PPoor FFool, HHe MMakes MMe LLaugh IIl MMuto oor ool, e akes e augh l uto oPor oFol, eH aMkes eM aLugh lI uMto
0oor cool, je jakes je kaugh jl juto 0Poor cFool, jHe jMakes jMe kLaugh jIl jMuto P0oor Fcool, Hje Mjakes Mje Lkaugh Ijl Mjuto
loor rool, ue kakes ke oaugh 9l kuto lPoor rFool, uHe kMakes kMe oLaugh 9Il kMuto Ploor Frool, Hue Mkakes Mke Loaugh I9l Mkuto
ooor gool, ne nakes ne paugh ll nuto oPoor gFool, nHe nMakes nMe pLaugh lIl nMuto Pooor Fgool, Hne Mnakes Mne Lpaugh Ill Mnuto
tool, be Maakes Mee Laaugh ol Muuto Por tFool, bHe Mkes M Lugh oIl Mto Poor Ftool, Hbe Mkaes Me Luagh Iol Mtuo
Pkor vool, ge Mzkes Ms Lzugh kl Mhto Pkoor vFool, gHe Mzakes Mse Lzaugh kIl Mhuto Pokor Fvool, Hge Mazkes Mes Lazugh Ikl Muhto
P9or dool, ye Mqkes M3 Lqugh 8l M7to P9oor dFool, yHe Mqakes M3e Lqaugh 8Il M7uto Po9or Fdool, Hye Maqkes Me3 Laqugh I8l Mu7to
P0or Foool, Hee Mskes Mf Lsugh ul Mkto Fol, H Msakes Mfe Lsaugh uIl Po0or Fool, He Maskes Mef Lasugh Iul Mukto
Plor Fkol, Hs Mwkes Mr Lwugh Mito Fkool, Hse Mwakes Mre Lwaugh I Miuto Polor Fokol, Hes Mawkes Mer Lawugh Il Muito
Pior F9ol, H3 Mxkes M4 Lxugh Ik M8to Pioor F9ool, H3e Mxakes M4e Lxaugh M8uto Poior Fo9ol, He3 Maxkes Me4 Laxugh Ilk Mu8to
F0ol, Hf Makkes Md Lauugh Io Mjto F0ool, Hfe Maes Mde Lagh Poro Fo0ol, Hef Maeks Med Laguh Ilo Mujto
Pokr Flol, Hr Males Mw Lahgh Ip Myto Flool, Hre Malkes Mwe Lahugh Ipl Myuto Pookr Folol, Her Makles Mew Lauhgh Ilp Muyto
Po9r Fiol, H4 Maoes La7gh Mutto Fiool, H4e Maokes La7ugh Muo Poo9r Foiol, He4 Makoes Lau7gh Muot
Po0r Hd Mames Lakgh Mufo Hde Mamkes Lakugh Mufto Poo0r Folo, Hed Makmes Laukgh Mutfo
Polr Fokl, Hw Majes Laigh Mu5o Hwe Majkes Laiugh Mu5to Poolr Fookl, Hew Makjes Lauigh Mut5o

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