Various Artists
My Hope [rebecca St. James]

When the weight of the world is on my shoulders
And my bridges are broken
I will remember You
When the flowers are blooming, skies are bluer than ever
And everything's well
I will remember You

Oh Lord my God, You walk beside me
Through the laughter, through the tears
Oh Lord my God, You hold and You hide me
Because of your love, I have nothing to fear

You are my hope You are my joy
You are my savior and You are my God
You are my love You are my life
And I will praise you forever my God

The deepest part of me is crying out
Just to know You more
So I remember You
Now I will draw nearer to who You are
And I see you clearer
As I remember You

Mirror lyrics:

As I remember You
And I see you clearer
Now I will draw nearer to who You are
So I remember You
Just to know You more
The deepest part of me is crying out

And I will praise you forever my God
You are my love You are my life
You are my savior and You are my God
You are my hope You are my joy

Because of your love, I have nothing to fear
Oh Lord my God, You hold and You hide me
Through the laughter, through the tears
Oh Lord my God, You walk beside me

I will remember You
And everything's well
When the flowers are blooming, skies are bluer than ever
I will remember You
And my bridges are broken
When the weight of the world is on my shoulders

Relevant Tags:
MMy HHope [[rebecca SSt. JJames] y ope rebecca t. ames] yM oHpe r[ebecca tS. aJmes] jy jope [rrebecca zt. kames] jMy jHope [ebecca zSt. kJames]
Mjy Hjope [erbecca Szt. Jkames] ky uope [debecca wt. iames] kMy uHope [drebecca wSt. iJames] Mky Huope [rdebecca Swt. Jiames] ny nope [4ebecca dt. mames]
nMy nHope [4rebecca dSt. mJames] Mny Hnope [r4ebecca Sdt. Jmames] Myy bope [gebecca et. names] M bHope [grebecca eSt. nJames] My Hbope [rgebecca Set. Jnames]
Mg gope [tebecca xt. hames] Mgy gHope [trebecca xSt. hJames] Myg Hgope [rtebecca Sxt. Jhames] Mh yope [5ebecca at. uames] Mhy yHope [5rebecca aSt. uJames]
Myh Hyope [r5ebecca Sat. Juames] M6 Hoope [febecca Stt. Jaames] M6y Hpe [frebecca S. Jmes] My6 Hpoe [rfebecca S.t Jmaes] Mu Hkpe [eebecca Sf. Jzmes]
Muy Hkope [erebecca Sft. Jzames] Myu Hokpe [reebecca Stf. Jazmes] M7 H9pe S5. Jqmes] M7y H9ope [rbecca S5t. Jqames] My7 Ho9pe [rbeecca St5. Jaqmes]
Mj H0pe [rsbecca Sh. Jsmes] H0ope [rsebecca Sht. Jsames] Myj Ho0pe [resbecca Sth. Jasmes] Mt Hlpe [r3becca Sy. Jwmes] Mty Hlope [r3ebecca Syt. Jwames]
Myt Holpe [re3becca Sty. Jawmes] Hipe [rfbecca S6. Jxmes] Hiope S6t. Jxames] Hoipe [refbecca St6. Jaxmes] Hoppe [rrbecca Sg. Jammes]
Hoe Sgt. Jaes] Hoep [rerbecca Stg. Jaems] Ho0e [r4becca Sr. Jajes] Srt. Jajmes] Hop0e [re4becca Str. Jamjes]
Hole [rdbecca St.. Jakes] St Jakmes] Hople [redbecca St. Jamkes] Hooe [rwbecca Janes] [rwebecca Janmes]
Hopoe [rewbecca Jamnes] Hopee [rebbecca Jamees] Hop [reecca Jams] Hope [reebcca Jamse] Hops [revecca Jamss]
Hopse [revbecca Jamses] Hopes [rebvecca Jamess] Hop3 [regecca Jam3s] Hop3e [regbecca Jam3es] Hope3 [rebgecca Jame3s]
Hopf [renecca Jamfs] Hopfe [renbecca Jamfes]

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