Various Artists
My Only Wish (this Year) [britney Spears]

Oh yeah

Last night I took a walk in the snow
Couples holding hands places to go
Seems like everyone but me is in love
Santa can you hear me?

I signed my letter that I sealed with a kiss
I sent it off and just said this
I know exactly what i want this year

Santa can you hear me?
I want my baby ( baby baby )
I want someone to love me
And someone to hold
Maybe, maybe (maybe maybe)
He'll be all my own in a big red bow

Santa can you hear me?
I have been so good this year
And all i want is one thing
Tell me my true love is here
He's all I want just for me
Underneath my Christmas tree
I'll be waiting here
Santa that's my only wish this year

Oh yeah

Christmas eve I just cant sleep
Would I be wrong for taking a peek?
'Cause I heard that ur comming to town
Santa can you hear me?

I really hope that you're on your way
With something special
For me in your sleigh
Oh please make my wish come true

Santa can you hear me?
I want my baby (baby baby)
I want someone to love me
And someone to hold
Maybe maybe (maybe maybe)
We'll be all alone under the mistle toe

Santa can you hear me?
I have been so good this year
And all i want is one thing
Tell me my true love is here
He's all i want just for me
Underneath my christmas tree
I'll be waiting here
Santa that's my only wish this year

I hope my letter reaches you in time
Oh yeah
Bring me a love I can call all mine
Oh yeah
Cause I've been so good so good this year
Can't be alone under the mistle toe
He's all I want in a big red bow

Santa can you hear me
I have been so good this year
And all I want is one thing
Tell me my true love is here
He's all I want just for me
Underneath my christmas tree
I'll be waiting here
Santa that's my only wish this year

Oh santa
Can you hear me?
Ooh santa

Well he's all I want just for me
Underneath my christmas tree
I'll be waiting here
Santa that's my only wish this year
Santa that's my only wish this year

Mirror lyrics:

Santa that's my only wish this year
Santa that's my only wish this year
I'll be waiting here
Underneath my christmas tree
Well he's all I want just for me

Ooh santa
Can you hear me?
Oh santa

Santa that's my only wish this year
I'll be waiting here
Underneath my christmas tree
He's all I want just for me
Tell me my true love is here
And all I want is one thing
I have been so good this year
Santa can you hear me

He's all I want in a big red bow
Can't be alone under the mistle toe
Cause I've been so good so good this year
Oh yeah
Bring me a love I can call all mine
Oh yeah
I hope my letter reaches you in time

Santa that's my only wish this year
I'll be waiting here
Underneath my christmas tree
He's all i want just for me
Tell me my true love is here
And all i want is one thing
I have been so good this year
Santa can you hear me?

We'll be all alone under the mistle toe
Maybe maybe (maybe maybe)
And someone to hold
I want someone to love me
I want my baby (baby baby)
Santa can you hear me?

Oh please make my wish come true
For me in your sleigh
With something special
I really hope that you're on your way

Santa can you hear me?
'Cause I heard that ur comming to town
Would I be wrong for taking a peek?
Christmas eve I just cant sleep

Oh yeah

Santa that's my only wish this year
I'll be waiting here
Underneath my Christmas tree
He's all I want just for me
Tell me my true love is here
And all i want is one thing
I have been so good this year
Santa can you hear me?

He'll be all my own in a big red bow
Maybe, maybe (maybe maybe)
And someone to hold
I want someone to love me
I want my baby ( baby baby )
Santa can you hear me?

I know exactly what i want this year
I sent it off and just said this
I signed my letter that I sealed with a kiss

Santa can you hear me?
Seems like everyone but me is in love
Couples holding hands places to go
Last night I took a walk in the snow

Oh yeah

Relevant Tags:
MMy OOnly WWish ((this YYear) [[britney SSpears] y nly ish this ear) britney pears] yM nOly iWsh t(his eYar) b[ritney pSears]
jy knly aish (tthis gear) [bbritney zpears] jMy kOnly aWish (his gYear) [ritney zSpears] Mjy Oknly Waish (htis Ygear) [rbitney Szpears]
ky 9nly 3ish (fhis hear) [vritney wpears] kMy 9Only 3Wish (fthis hYear) [vbritney wSpears] Mky O9nly W3ish (tfhis Yhear) [bvritney Swpears]
ny 0nly dish (5his 6ear) [gritney dpears] nMy 0Only dWish (5this 6Year) [gbritney dSpears] Mny O0nly Wdish (t5his Y6ear) [bgritney Sdpears]
Myy lnly eish (hhis uear) [nritney epears] M lOnly eWish (hthis uYear) [nbritney eSpears] My Olnly Weish (thhis Yuear) [bnritney Sepears]
Mg inly sish (yhis 7ear) [hritney xpears] Mgy iOnly sWish (ythis 7Year) [hbritney xSpears] Myg Oinly Wsish (tyhis Y7ear) [bhritney Sxpears]
Mh Onnly 2ish (6his jear) [brritney apears] Mhy Oly 2Wish (6this jYear) [bitney aSpears] Myh Olny W2ish (t6his Yjear) [birtney Sapears]
M6 Omly qish (ghis tear) [bditney Sppears] M6y Omnly qWish (gthis tYear) [bdritney Sears] My6 Onmly Wqish (tghis Ytear) [brditney Separs]
Mu Ohly Wiish (rhis Yeear) [b4itney S0ears] Muy Ohnly Wsh (rthis Yar) [b4ritney S0pears] Myu Onhly Wsih (trhis Yaer) [br4itney Sp0ears]
M7 Ojly Wjsh Ysar) [bgitney Slears] M7y Ojnly Wjish (tis Ysear) Slpears] My7 Onjly Wijsh (tihs Yesar) [brgitney Splears]
Mj Obly W9sh (tjis Y3ar) [btitney Soears] Obnly W9ish (tjhis Y3ear) [btritney Sopears] Myj Onbly Wi9sh (thjis Ye3ar) [brtitney Spoears]
Mt Onlly Wlsh (tuis Yfar) [b5itney Speears] Mty Ony Wlish (tuhis Yfear) [b5ritney Spars] Myt Onyl Wilsh (thuis Yefar) [br5itney Spaers]
Onky Wosh (tnis Yrar) [bfitney Spsars] Onkly Woish (tnhis Yrear) [bfritney Spsears] Onlky Wiosh (thnis Yerar) [brfitney Spesars]
Onoy Wksh (tbis Y4ar) [beitney Sp3ars] Onoly Wkish (tbhis Y4ear) [beritney Sp3ears] Onloy Wiksh (thbis Ye4ar) [breitney Spe3ars]
Onpy W8sh (tgis Ydar) [briitney Spfars] Onply W8ish Ydear) [brtney Spfears] Onlpy Wi8sh (thgis Yedar) [brtiney Spefars]
Onlyy Wush (tyis Ywar) [brjtney Sprars] Onl Wuish Ywear) [brjitney Sprears] Only Wiush (thyis Yewar) [brijtney Sperars]
Onlg Wissh (thiis Yeaar) [br9tney Sp4ars] Onlgy Wih (ths Yer) [br9itney Sp4ears] Onlyg Wihs (thsi Yera) [bri9tney Spe4ars]
Onlh Wizh (thjs Yezr) [brltney Spdars] Onlhy Wizsh Yezar) [brlitney Spdears] Onlyh Wiszh (thijs Yeazr) [briltney Spedars]
Onl6 Wiwh (th9s Yeqr) [brotney Spwars] Onl6y Wiwsh (th9is Yeqar) [broitney Spwears] Only6 Wiswh (thi9s Yeaqr) [briotney Spewars]
Onlu Widh (thls Yesr) [brktney Speaars] Onluy Widsh (thlis [brkitney Spers] Onlyu Wisdh (thils Yeasr) [briktney Speras]
Onl7 Wieh (thos Yewr) [br8tney Spezrs] Onl7y Wiesh (thois [br8itney Spezars] Only7 Wiseh (thios Yeawr) [bri8tney Speazrs]
Onlj Wixh (thks Yexr) [brutney Speqrs] Onljy Wixsh (thkis Yexar) [bruitney Speqars] Onlyj Wisxh (thiks Yeaxr) [briutney Speaqrs]
Onlt Wiah (th8s Yearr) [brittney Spesrs] Onlty Wiash (th8is Yea) [briney Onlyt Wisah (thi8s Yea)r [brintey Speasrs]
Wishh (thus Yead) [brifney Spewrs] Wis Yeadr) [briftney Wish (thius Yeard) [britfney Speawrs]
Wisj (thiss Yea4) [bri5ney Spexrs] Wisjh (thi Yea4r) [bri5tney Spexars] Wishj (this Year4) [brit5ney Speaxrs]
Wisu (thiz Yeag) [brihney Spearrs]

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