Various Artists
Mr. Blue [alternate Version] [catherine Feeny]

Mr. Blue,
I told you that I love you
Please believe me

Mr. Blue,
I have to go now, darling
Don't be angry

I know that you're tired
Know that you're sore and sick and sad for some reason
So I leave you with a smile
Kiss you on the cheek
and you will call it treason

That's the way it goes some days
A fever comes at you without a warning
And I can see it in your face
You've been waiting to break since you woke up this morning

Mr. Blue,
Don't hold your head so low
That you can't see the sky

Mr. Blue,
It ain't so long since you were flying high

Mr. Blue,
I told you that I love you
Please believe me

Mirror lyrics:

Please believe me
I told you that I love you
Mr. Blue,

It ain't so long since you were flying high
Mr. Blue,

That you can't see the sky
Don't hold your head so low
Mr. Blue,

You've been waiting to break since you woke up this morning
And I can see it in your face
A fever comes at you without a warning
That's the way it goes some days

and you will call it treason
Kiss you on the cheek
So I leave you with a smile
Know that you're sore and sick and sad for some reason
I know that you're tired

Don't be angry
I have to go now, darling
Mr. Blue,

Please believe me
I told you that I love you
Mr. Blue,

Relevant Tags:
MMr. BBlue [[alternate VVersion] [[catherine FFeeny] r. lue alternate ersion] catherine eeny] rM. lBue a[lternate eVrsion] c[atherine eFeny]
jr. vlue [aalternate bersion] [ccatherine ceeny] jMr. vBlue [lternate bVersion] [atherine cFeeny] Mjr. Bvlue [laternate Vbersion] [actherine Fceeny]
kr. glue [zlternate cersion] [fatherine reeny] kMr. gBlue [zalternate cVersion] [fcatherine rFeeny] Mkr. Bglue [azlternate Vcersion] [cfatherine Freeny]
nr. nlue [qlternate gersion] [xatherine geeny] nMr. nBlue [qalternate gVersion] [xcatherine gFeeny] Mnr. Bnlue [aqlternate Vgersion] [cxatherine Fgeeny]
Mrr. hlue [slternate fersion] [vatherine teeny] M. hBlue [salternate fVersion] [vcatherine tFeeny] M.r Bhlue [aslternate Vfersion] [cvatherine Fteeny]
Md. Bllue [wlternate Veersion] [datherine veeny] Mdr. Bue [walternate Vrsion] [dcatherine vFeeny] Mrd. Bule [awlternate Vresion] [cdatherine Fveeny]
M4. Bkue [xlternate Vsrsion] [caatherine deeny] M4r. Bklue [xalternate Vsersion] [ctherine dFeeny] Mr4. Blkue [axlternate Vesrsion] [ctaherine Fdeeny]
Mg. Boue [allternate V3rsion] [cztherine Feeeny] Mgr. Bolue [aternate V3ersion] [czatherine Feny] Mrg. Bloue [atlernate Ve3rsion] [caztherine Feeny]
Mt. Bpue [akternate Vfrsion] [cqtherine Fseny] Mtr. Bplue [aklternate [cqatherine Fseeny] Mrt. Blpue [alkternate Vefrsion] [caqtherine Feseny]
M5. Bluue [aoternate Vrrsion] [cstherine F3eny] M5r. Ble [aolternate Vrersion] [csatherine F3eeny] Mr5. Bleu [aloternate Verrsion] [castherine Fe3eny]
Mf. Blhe [apternate V4rsion] [cwtherine Ffeny] Mfr. Blhue [aplternate V4ersion] [cwatherine Ffeeny] Mrf. Bluhe [alpternate Ve4rsion] [cawtherine Fefeny]
Me. Bl7e [altternate Vdrsion] [cxtherine Freny] Mer. Bl7ue [alernate Vdersion] Mre. Blu7e [aletrnate Vedrsion] [caxtherine Fereny]
Mr.. Blke [alfernate Vwrsion] [cattherine F4eny] Mr [alfternate Vwersion] [caherine F4eeny] Mr. Bluke [altfernate Vewrsion] [cahterine Fe4eny]
Blie [al5ernate [cafherine Fdeny] Bliue [al5ternate Vesion] [caftherine Bluie [alt5ernate Vesrion] [catfherine Fedeny]
Bl8e [alhernate Vedsion] [ca5herine Fweny] Bl8ue [alhternate [ca5therine Fweeny] Blu8e [althernate Verdsion] [cat5herine Feweny]
Blje [alyernate Ve4sion] [cahherine Bljue [alyternate [cahtherine Bluje [altyernate Ver4sion] [cathherine Feney]
Blye [al6ernate Vegsion] [cayherine Fesny] Blyue [al6ternate Vegrsion] [caytherine Bluye [alt6ernate Vergsion] [catyherine Feesny]
Bluee [algernate Vetsion] [ca6herine Fe3ny] Blu [algternate Vetrsion] [ca6therine Blue [altgernate Vertsion] [cat6herine Fee3ny]
Blus [alrernate Ve5sion] [cagherine Fefny] Bluse [alrternate Ve5rsion] [cagtherine Blues [altrernate Ver5sion] [catgherine Feefny]
Blu3 [alteernate Vefsion] [carherine Ferny] Blu3e [altrnate [cartherine Blue3 [altrenate Verfsion] [catrherine Feerny]
Bluf [altsrnate Veesion] Fe4ny] Blufe [altsernate [caterine Bluef [altesrnate Veresion] [catehrine Fee4ny]
Blur [alt3rnate Verssion] [catjerine Fedny] Blure [alt3ernate Verion] [catjherine Bluer [alte3rnate Verison] [cathjerine Feedny]
Blu4 [altfrnate Verzion] [catuerine Fewny] Blu4e Verzsion] [catuherine Blue4 [altefrnate Verszion] [cathuerine Feewny]
Blud [altrrnate Verwion] [catnerine Feenny] Blude Verwsion] [catnherine Feey] Blued [alterrnate Verswion] [cathnerine Feeyn]
Bluw [alt4rnate Verdion] [catberine Feemy] Bluwe [alt4ernate [catbherine Feemny] Bluew [alte4rnate Versdion] [cathberine Feenmy]
[altdrnate Vereion] [catgerine Feehy] [altdernate Feehny] [altedrnate Verseion] [cathgerine Feenhy]
[altwrnate Verxion] [catyerine Feejy] [altwernate Verxsion] Feejny] [altewrnate Versxion] [cathyerine Feenjy]
Veraion] [catheerine Feeby] [altenate Verasion] [cathrine Feebny] [altenrate Versaion] [cathreine Feenby]
[altednate Versiion] [cathsrine Feenyy] Verson] [cathserine Feen] [alterdnate Versoin] [cathesrine Feen]y
[alte4nate Versjon] [cath3rine Feeng] Versjion] [cath3erine Feengy] [alter4nate Versijon] [cathe3rine Feenyg]

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