Various Artists
Little Drummer Boy [jars Of Clay]

Come they told me (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)
A newborn king to see (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)
Our finest gifts we bring (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)
To lay before the King (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum) [3x]
So, to honor Him (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)
When we come...

Little baby (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)
I am a poor boy too (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)
I have no gifts to bring (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)
That´s fit to give a King (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum) [3x]
Shall i play for You (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)
On my drum?

Mary nodded (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)
The ox and lamb kept time (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)
I played my drum for Him (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)
I played my best for Him (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum) [3x]
Then,He smiled at me (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)
Me and my drum...

Mirror lyrics:

Me and my drum...
Then,He smiled at me (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)
I played my best for Him (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum) [3x]
I played my drum for Him (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)
The ox and lamb kept time (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)
Mary nodded (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)

On my drum?
Shall i play for You (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)
That´s fit to give a King (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum) [3x]
I have no gifts to bring (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)
I am a poor boy too (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)
Little baby (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)

When we come...
So, to honor Him (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)
To lay before the King (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum) [3x]
Our finest gifts we bring (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)
A newborn king to see (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)
Come they told me (pa-rum-pa-pum-pum)

Relevant Tags:
LLittle DDrummer BBoy [[jars OOf CClay] ittle rummer oy jars f lay] iLttle rDummer oBy j[ars fO lCay] kittle xrummer voy [jjars kf flay] kLittle xDrummer vBoy [ars kOf fClay]
Lkittle Dxrummer Bvoy [ajrs Okf Cflay] oittle erummer goy [kars 9f xlay] oLittle eDrummer gBoy [kjars 9Of xClay] Loittle Derummer Bgoy [jkars O9f Cxlay] pittle frummer noy [iars 0f vlay]
pLittle fDrummer nBoy [ijars 0Of vClay] Lpittle Dfrummer Bnoy [jiars O0f Cvlay] Liittle rrummer hoy [mars lf dlay] Lttle rDrummer hBoy [mjars lOf dClay] Ltitle Drrummer Bhoy [jmars Olf Cdlay]
Ljttle crummer Booy [nars if Cllay] Ljittle cDrummer By [njars iOf Cay] Lijttle Dcrummer Byo [jnars Oif Caly] L9ttle srummer Bky [hars Off Ckay] L9ittle sDrummer Bkoy [hjars O Cklay]
Li9ttle Dsrummer Boky [jhars Of Clkay] Llttle B9y [uars Oc Coay] Llittle Dummer B9oy [ujars Ocf Colay] Lilttle Durmmer Bo9y [juars Ofc Cloay] Lottle Ddummer B0y [jaars Or Cpay]
Ddrummer B0oy [jrs Orf Cplay] Liottle Drdummer Bo0y [jras Ofr Clpay] Lkttle D4ummer Bly [jzrs Og Claay] D4rummer Bloy [jzars Ogf Cly] Likttle Dr4ummer Boly [jazrs Ofg Clya]
L8ttle Dgummer Biy [jqrs Ot Clzy] L8ittle Dgrummer Bioy [jqars Otf Clzay] Li8ttle Drgummer Boiy [jaqrs Oft Clazy] Luttle Dtummer Boyy [jsrs Ov Clqy] Luittle Dtrummer Bo [jsars Ovf Clqay]
Liuttle Drtummer Boy [jasrs Ofv Claqy] Litttle D5ummer Bog [jwrs Od Clsy] Litle D5rummer Bogy [jwars Odf Clsay] Little Dr5ummer Boyg [jawrs Ofd Clasy] Liftle Dfummer Boh [jxrs Clwy]
Lifttle Bohy [jxars Clway] Litftle Drfummer Boyh [jaxrs Clawy] Li5tle Deummer Bo6 [jarrs Clxy] Li5ttle Bo6y [jas Clxay] Lit5tle Dreummer Boy6 [jasr Claxy]
Lihtle Druummer Bou [jads Clayy] Lihttle Drmmer Bouy [jadrs Cla] Lithtle Drmumer Boyu [jards Cla]y Liytle Drhmmer Bo7 [ja4s Clag] Liyttle Drhummer Bo7y [ja4rs Clagy]
Litytle Druhmmer Boy7 [jar4s Clayg] Li6tle Dr7mmer Boj [jags Clah] Li6ttle Dr7ummer Bojy [jagrs Clahy] Lit6tle Dru7mmer Boyj [jargs Clayh] Ligtle Drkmmer Bot [jats Cla6]
Ligttle Drkummer Boty [jatrs Cla6y] Litgtle Drukmmer Boyt [jarts Clay6] Lirtle Drimmer [ja5s Clau] Lirttle Driummer [ja5rs Clauy] Litrtle Druimmer [jar5s Clayu]
Dr8mmer [jafs Cla7] Dr8ummer [jafrs Cla7y] Litlte Dru8mmer [jarfs Clay7]

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