Various Artists
Hero [bethany Dillon]

You broke the silence
A break in the clouds
A ray of hope in the darkness
You dusted off the steeples
Places full of fear
Full of never-ending judgement

And what is love without much risk?
You were a man of great sorrow
The world that You created
Kept You at a distance
You weren't recognizable

Oh, You're the hero
We've been waiting for
You have done the impossible
You're the hero
We've been waiting for
You have done the impossible
The impossible

You bridged the gap
You tore the veil
Almighty God in the flesh
All the plans and schemes
Against Your love would fail
In light of Your obedience

Yeah, You're the hero
We've been waiting for
You have done the impossible
You're the hero
We've been waiting for
You have done the impossible
The impossible
The impossible
The impossible

A babe cries in the night
The earth shook in awe
They echo of a man's cries
The curse undone
The curse undone
Our hero has won

You're the hero
We've been waiting for
You have done the impossible
You're the hero
We've been waiting for
You have done the impossible
The impossible

You're the hero
We've been waiting for
You have done the impossible

Mirror lyrics:

You have done the impossible
We've been waiting for
You're the hero

The impossible
You have done the impossible
We've been waiting for
You're the hero
You have done the impossible
We've been waiting for
You're the hero

Our hero has won
The curse undone
The curse undone
They echo of a man's cries
The earth shook in awe
A babe cries in the night

The impossible
The impossible
The impossible
You have done the impossible
We've been waiting for
You're the hero
You have done the impossible
We've been waiting for
Yeah, You're the hero

In light of Your obedience
Against Your love would fail
All the plans and schemes
Almighty God in the flesh
You tore the veil
You bridged the gap

The impossible
You have done the impossible
We've been waiting for
You're the hero
You have done the impossible
We've been waiting for
Oh, You're the hero

You weren't recognizable
Kept You at a distance
The world that You created
You were a man of great sorrow
And what is love without much risk?

Full of never-ending judgement
Places full of fear
You dusted off the steeples
A ray of hope in the darkness
A break in the clouds
You broke the silence

Relevant Tags:
HHero [[bethany DDillon] ero bethany illon] eHro b[ethany iDllon] jero [bbethany xillon] jHero [ethany xDillon] Hjero [ebthany Dxillon]
uero [vethany eillon] uHero [vbethany eDillon] Huero [bvethany Deillon] nero [gethany fillon] nHero [gbethany fDillon] Hnero [bgethany Dfillon]
bero [nethany rillon] bHero [nbethany rDillon] Hbero [bnethany Drillon] gero [hethany cillon] gHero [hbethany cDillon] Hgero [bhethany Dcillon]
yero [beethany sillon] yHero [bthany sDillon] Hyero [btehany Dsillon] Heero [bsthany Diillon] Hro [bsethany Dllon] Hreo [besthany Dlilon]
Hsro [b3thany Djllon] Hsero [b3ethany Djillon] Hesro [be3thany Dijllon] H3ro [bfthany D9llon] H3ero [bfethany D9illon] He3ro [befthany Di9llon]
Hfro [brthany Dlllon] Hfero [brethany Dlillon] Hefro [berthany Dilllon] Hrro [b4thany Dollon] Hrero [b4ethany Doillon] Herro [be4thany Diollon]
H4ro [bdthany Dkllon] H4ero [bdethany Dkillon] He4ro [bedthany Dikllon] Hdro [bwthany D8llon] Hdero [bwethany D8illon] Hedro [bewthany Di8llon]
Hwro [betthany Dullon] Hwero [behany Duillon] Hewro [behtany Diullon] [befhany Heo Dilon] Heor [betfhany Dillon]
Hedo [be5hany Diklon] [be5thany Herdo [bet5hany Dilklon] He4o [behhany Diolon] [behthany Her4o [bethhany Dilolon]
Hego [beyhany Diplon] Hegro [beythany Dipllon] Hergo [betyhany Dilplon] Heto [be6hany Hetro [be6thany Herto [bet6hany Diloln]
He5o [beghany Dilkon] He5ro [begthany Her5o [betghany Dillkon] Hefo [berhany Diloon] Herfo [betrhany Dilloon] Heeo Dilpon]
[betany Hereo [betahny Dillpon]

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