Various Artists
Cosy In The Rocket [psapp]

Climb, climb into the rocket
And we set the fuse to go, go go
Head start, cosy in the rocket
And I need to go, go, go,go
Tip top ready for the sky
Sd I'm tip top ready to go
Tip top ready for the sky
And I'm tip top ready to go,go,go

Come, come, fly into my palm
And collapse
Oh oh, suppose you'll never know

Nobody knows where they might end up
Nobody knows
Nobody knows where they might wake up
Nobody knows
Nobody knows where they might end up
Nobody knows
Nobody knows where they might wake up
Nobody knows

Tick tack toe, you're fitting into place
And now the old ways don't seem true
Stick stop blue you're only changing i
In the same old space you always do
Tip top ready for the sky
And I'm tip top ready to go
Tip top ready for the sky
And I'm tip top ready to go, go go

Come, come, fly into my palm
And collapse
Oh oh, suppose you'll never know

Come, come, fly into my palm
And collapse
Oh oh, suppose you'll never know

Mirror lyrics:

Oh oh, suppose you'll never know
And collapse
Come, come, fly into my palm

Oh oh, suppose you'll never know
And collapse
Come, come, fly into my palm

And I'm tip top ready to go, go go
Tip top ready for the sky
And I'm tip top ready to go
Tip top ready for the sky
In the same old space you always do
Stick stop blue you're only changing i
And now the old ways don't seem true
Tick tack toe, you're fitting into place

Nobody knows
Nobody knows where they might wake up
Nobody knows
Nobody knows where they might end up
Nobody knows
Nobody knows where they might wake up
Nobody knows
Nobody knows where they might end up

Oh oh, suppose you'll never know
And collapse
Come, come, fly into my palm

And I'm tip top ready to go,go,go
Tip top ready for the sky
Sd I'm tip top ready to go
Tip top ready for the sky
And I need to go, go, go,go
Head start, cosy in the rocket
And we set the fuse to go, go go
Climb, climb into the rocket

Relevant Tags:
CCosy IIn TThe RRocket [[psapp] osy n he ocket psapp] oCsy nI hTe oRcket p[sapp] fosy jn fhe docket [ppsapp] fCosy jIn fThe dRocket [sapp]
Cfosy Ijn Tfhe Rdocket [spapp] xosy 9n 5he 4ocket [0sapp] xCosy 9In 5The 4Rocket [0psapp] Cxosy I9n T5he R4ocket [p0sapp] vosy ln hhe gocket [lsapp]
vCosy lIn hThe gRocket [lpsapp] Cvosy Iln Thhe Rgocket [plsapp] dosy on yhe tocket [osapp] dCosy oIn yThe tRocket [opsapp] Cdosy Ion Tyhe Rtocket [posapp]
Coosy kn 6he 5ocket [pssapp] Csy kIn 6The 5Rocket [papp] Csoy Ikn T6he R5ocket [paspp] Cksy 8n ghe focket [pzapp] Ckosy 8In gThe fRocket [pzsapp]
Coksy I8n Tghe Rfocket [pszapp] C9sy un rhe eocket [pwapp] C9osy uIn rThe eRocket [pwsapp] Co9sy Iun Trhe Reocket [pswapp] C0sy Inn Roocket [pdapp]
C0osy I Te Rcket [pdsapp] Co0sy In Teh Rcoket [psdapp] Clsy Im Tje Rkcket [peapp] Closy Imn Tjhe Rkocket [pesapp] Colsy Inm Thje Rokcket [pseapp]
Cisy Ih Tue R9cket [pxapp] Ciosy Ihn Tuhe R9ocket [pxsapp] Coisy Inh Thue Ro9cket [psxapp] Cossy Ij Tne R0cket [paapp] Coy Tnhe R0ocket [pasapp]
Coys Inj Thne Ro0cket [psaapp] Cozy Ib Tbe Rlcket Cozsy Ibn Tbhe Rlocket [pspp] Coszy Inb Thbe Rolcket [pspap] Cowy Tge Ricket [pszpp]
Cowsy Riocket Coswy Thge Roicket [psazpp] Cody Tye Roccket [psqpp] Codsy Roket [psqapp] Cosdy Thye Rokcet [psaqpp]
Coey Thee Rofket [psspp] Coesy Th Rofcket Cosey The Rocfket [psaspp] Coxy Ths Roxket [pswpp] Coxsy Thse Roxcket
Cosxy Thes Rocxket [psawpp] Coay Th3 Rovket [psxpp] Coasy Th3e Rovcket Cosay The3 Rocvket [psaxpp] Cosyy Thf Rodket [psappp]
Cos Thfe Rodcket [psap] Cosy Thef Rocdket [psapp] Cosg Thr Rockket [psa0p] Cosgy Thre Rocet [psa0pp] Cosyg Ther Rocekt [psap0p]
Cosh Th4 Roclet [psalp]

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